Monday, October 24, 2005

50 Points to Live By

I've learned a few things in my thirty-odd years of existence and I think I should share them with everyone. I'm not saying that all of them will apply to everyone, or that they are the golden rules to live by, but I think there are at least a few on the list that can apply to everyone. Trust me, there is no superiority complex here, just some ideas that may make life easier for you and everyone around you. Before I get nasty comments about plagiarism, I know that some of these come from sources other than my caffeine filled melon, and I'll try to quote them where applicable.

1. Be Nice. Plain and Simple. Everyone will appreciate it.

2. All life is sacred. Treat it as such.

3. “Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.” *1 Get used to this one. It makes living a lot easier, and more fulfilling.

4. Smile. It releases endorphins which make you happy. Endorphins are your body's natural heroin.

5. Read a book. Any book. After your done, read another one. Before you know it you'll be reading and it won't suck anymore.

6. When you are driving home from work, miss your exit from the highway on purpose. It may take you somewhere that you never knew existed.

7. Never, ever stop learning.

8. If you don't know what you are talking about shut up. Ask someone later who knows and then you won't look like an idiot shooting their mouth off.

9. If a project looks impossible, look at it from a different angle, or get someone to look at it with fresh eyes. Just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean the solution doesn't exist.

10. If someone does solve your impossible project, say thank you and ask where they came up with the idea. Don't be a dick and say, “I was going to do that next.”

11. Be Polite. Please, Thank you and You're Welcome can still be used in this century.

12. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, don't change from lane to lane trying to get ahead. You look silly, you'll only get there two minutes before me, and you may cause an accident because you don't want to miss the first two minutes of the news.

13. If you don't like something, don't do it, but at least have a reason why.

14. Once a month eat something you've never tried before. You'll discover a lot of stuff that you won't like, but the one thing you will like, you'll love.

15. Chivalry is not dead, it's just sleeping. Wake it up occasionally.

16. Although Chivalry is most often directed as an action by a man to benefit a woman, try reversing it. It can have some interesting effects.

17. It's ok to let you ego inflate occasionally, just pop it before it blows up to be too big.

18. If you are going to lie to you're significant other during sex, that's fine, but never let them find out. That will deflate the ego from the last point in 2 seconds flat. *2

19. Always say what you want. This is a two way street people. There is no gender bias here. Say whatever you want and it will save a lot of cold shoulders later.

20. Don't cheat. Period. Don't cheat on tests, your significant other, or at work. Just don't.

21. Let someone in front of you on a busy street. You'll feel better, and so will they.

22. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. That's why they are called beliefs. They are based on faith, and cannot be disputed. Only the person to whom the belief belongs can change their minds. Don't bother trying.

23. Give something nice to someone without being asked or feeling obligated due to a special day, or out of guilt. Just give them something because.

24. Flirting is not harmful. It doesn't even come close to cheating. It's fun and most people take it as a compliment. It makes most people feel good. Make sure it stops at flirting if there is someone else significant on either side.

25. If you are going to cheat on a significant other, break up with them first. If not the scar will stick around for a long time.

26. Don't belittle someone for their religion, skin color, social status, or for any other reason. Just don't belittle people.

27. If someone doesn't understand what you are trying to explain to them, take a deep breath and try explaining it a different way. Don't get frustrated. It will only make it harder on you and them.

28. We all had to start somewhere. Remember that, and just as easily, but for a quirk of fate, you could be flipping burgers again.

29. If someone is broken down on the side of the road, make sure they're ok. If you help someone out, chances are they might help someone as well. It's like a disease, but without all the nasties.

30. You can skip one coffee a week. Put that money to good use for charity.

31. Whenever possible think three steps ahead, but don't trip over your own feet thinking too far.

32. If a panhandler/homeless person is trying to get you're attention, don't ignore them. They are people. At least acknowledge their existence.

33. If you smoke, be considerate of non-smokers. In turn, if you are a non-smoker, we smokers do have the right to poison ourselves. We'll be polite and try to keep our smoke away from you, but please don't pretend to cough and look at me like I'm a leper with an disease eaten nose.

34. We smokers know that it is killing us. It's only making the older generation smoke out of spite.

35. Alcohol can be a lot of fun, but don't get drunk to the point of stupid. Trust me, we aren't laughing with you, we're laughing at you.

36. If it's your fault, say sorry.

37. If it's not your fault, don't be slighted if they don't say sorry. It would be nice if everyone was polite, but some people are just jerks.

38. Don't drive under the influence of anything. Period.

39. It never hurts to take a 5 minute break. A rested mind can come up with ideas twice as fast as an exhausted mind.

40. Respect everyone and everything.

41. Give anybody the benefit of the doubt. Let them prove themselves wrong, but don't gloat. It's the only way some people learn.

42. We can all learn things from our past, as well as others pasts. If someone says it's a bad thing, and you trust them, it usually is. Don't let it stop you, but think about what you have heard so you can make an educated decision.

43. The chase is almost always better than the catch, so don't be disappointed. When the occasion arrives where the catch is worth it, hold on with all the power you can muster.

44. Work smart.

45. Whenever you are contemplating an important decision, research, research, research. Know what you are in for.

46. If you are ever caught doing something stupid, suck it up and accept that you were caught. Don't blame someone or something else.

47. Critiquing is very different than criticism. Learn the difference, both in giving and receiving.

48. Don't be afraid of new experiences. You'll never know until you try it.

49. Sometimes vacations don't turn out the way you wanted. Don't let it ruin the entire time. Go with it, and you might have fun.

50. Stress sucks, but in this day and age it's part of life. Don't let it drag you down. As hard as it is sometimes, find a way to purge it and get on with living.

*1 All I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulghum
*2 Obi


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