Monday, November 27, 2006

Moloquin the Centegenarian

Woot! One hundredth post. I wish I had something important to say to make it more monumental, but I don't. I did write a new song for the Moloquin's stupidest hits album so you can grab that if you want. I seem to be following a muppet theme lately. Once all the songs are done I'll post some stupid artwork to go along with all the stupid songs and you can make yourself a brand-spankin new Moloquin album.

Yip Yip

Left click to listen or right click -> Save As to save it.

I promise, when something monumental happens (or when I feel like it), I'll update with a real one. I'm guessing that no one wants to hear about the great Wii hunt of '06 so we'll pass on that tale. Maybe I was holding off willing something monumental to happen for the hundredth post, but I guess we'll never know now.

On a plus note I just remembered my FTP account password so you do get to grab the new song, otherwise it would have ended up on some haggard webspace that would have been slow as shit.

Later kids.

If you are really bored, go here Damn Interesting and you can learn all the great secrets of the clan of clavin, plus it will give you something good to chat about at the next social gathering/groping/coffee excursion.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yip Yip Nutbucket

8:33 AM  

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