Just a Friendly Reminder...
Welcome to Sunday. Instead of waiting for my laundry tonight (I actually finished early for a change) I'm going to watch a very silly movie called “Doom” and write an entry. Yes, the movie is dumb. No, it really doesn't live up to the monument that the game was, but it is an action flick that is fun to watch if you forget that it is based on one of the most successful and most inspirational games ever made. Tonight I think I'm going to write about a couple of things that have been frustrating me lately. We'll see what actually comes out.
I am not the kind of person who gets frustrated on a regular basis. I pride myself on the fact I'm very rarely in that frame of mind, but this one thing has really come to a head over the past couple of weeks. Why can't people accept that a guy and a gal can be close friends without having to sleep together? I actually would have to say I have had more close female friends in my life that male ones (before you guys think I have an inside track, think again...yes, sometimes things happen due to that, and even though I know more of the secrets of the fairer gender than most males, most of the time it puts you into the friend zone much quicker. Double sided sword guys). Anyways, right now I happen to have a few very close female friends, and people can't seem to accept that it is just that. Of course, I am not exactly quiet about my opinions...Ok, here we go, straight shooting. I happened to make a comment to one of my close female friends while a bunch of people were in earshot. The comment I made happened to be vaguely (very vague I might add) sexual in nature.
Now, for those of you who don't know me personally, I am not exactly reserved in some of my opinions. I was born without a filter in my brain for that kind of stuff so it just happens to fall out sometimes. I've also made some pretty disgusting suggestions to other people in jest, and they have never been interpreted as anything other than that. It's called a joke folks. Back to the tale...
After this comment was made (which I wasn't even aware of I might add, I always talk like that
without anyone jumping to some wild ass conclusions), next thing I knew, everyone was talking about something that wasn't even factual...suddenly there was a relationship, or at least a couple of people sleeping together.
Ok, now here's the inside track folks. A man and a woman can be just friends. Yup, I'm speaking truthfully. Ready? Here's another one. A guy and a girl can sleep in the same room without fucking. Yup, that one is true as well. Just because two people of opposite genders hang out a lot, they can just be hanging and not sleeping together. And yet another parable of truth from the reverend. I could go on all day and keep spouting this stuff but I think that you, gentle readers, get the point. What I don't get is why people can't accept this. Doubly so when I have repetitively told everyone.
Now, for the second bit of frustration concerning this. Even if something was going on (which it is not), why is it anyone's fucking business other than my own? Is everyone so unsatisfied with their lives they have to start inventing shit? I know that sounds bitter, but I have gone through this a couple of times now and I think I've had enough. The only thing this does prove if anything was ever to happen between myself and one of my female friends, you can be damn sure I'm not going to tell anyone to fuel the fire. It's no one's business other than my own and who ever that other partner would be.
At the end of the day, people can say and think whatever they want, it's no skin off of my back, but the one thing everyone should keep in mind is that every time you start gossiping about something that isn't factual, you become less and less credible as time goes on. Eventually everyone will begin to doubt whatever you say, and at least as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather have people believe what I say rather than second questioning what I am telling them.
This entry almost got self-censored again but I figure I better keep something on my blog other than entry's about me pulling shit off.
One last thing is congratulation are in order for my friends Rob and Lauren who got married a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't make it out to their wedding due to conflicting scheduling but I'm hoping a shout out kinda makes up for it.
Remember, I'm the Reverend Moloquin, a robot. I can put my arm back on, but you can't, so play safe.

I am not the kind of person who gets frustrated on a regular basis. I pride myself on the fact I'm very rarely in that frame of mind, but this one thing has really come to a head over the past couple of weeks. Why can't people accept that a guy and a gal can be close friends without having to sleep together? I actually would have to say I have had more close female friends in my life that male ones (before you guys think I have an inside track, think again...yes, sometimes things happen due to that, and even though I know more of the secrets of the fairer gender than most males, most of the time it puts you into the friend zone much quicker. Double sided sword guys). Anyways, right now I happen to have a few very close female friends, and people can't seem to accept that it is just that. Of course, I am not exactly quiet about my opinions...Ok, here we go, straight shooting. I happened to make a comment to one of my close female friends while a bunch of people were in earshot. The comment I made happened to be vaguely (very vague I might add) sexual in nature.
Now, for those of you who don't know me personally, I am not exactly reserved in some of my opinions. I was born without a filter in my brain for that kind of stuff so it just happens to fall out sometimes. I've also made some pretty disgusting suggestions to other people in jest, and they have never been interpreted as anything other than that. It's called a joke folks. Back to the tale...
After this comment was made (which I wasn't even aware of I might add, I always talk like that

Ok, now here's the inside track folks. A man and a woman can be just friends. Yup, I'm speaking truthfully. Ready? Here's another one. A guy and a girl can sleep in the same room without fucking. Yup, that one is true as well. Just because two people of opposite genders hang out a lot, they can just be hanging and not sleeping together. And yet another parable of truth from the reverend. I could go on all day and keep spouting this stuff but I think that you, gentle readers, get the point. What I don't get is why people can't accept this. Doubly so when I have repetitively told everyone.
Now, for the second bit of frustration concerning this. Even if something was going on (which it is not), why is it anyone's fucking business other than my own? Is everyone so unsatisfied with their lives they have to start inventing shit? I know that sounds bitter, but I have gone through this a couple of times now and I think I've had enough. The only thing this does prove if anything was ever to happen between myself and one of my female friends, you can be damn sure I'm not going to tell anyone to fuel the fire. It's no one's business other than my own and who ever that other partner would be.

This entry almost got self-censored again but I figure I better keep something on my blog other than entry's about me pulling shit off.
One last thing is congratulation are in order for my friends Rob and Lauren who got married a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't make it out to their wedding due to conflicting scheduling but I'm hoping a shout out kinda makes up for it.
Remember, I'm the Reverend Moloquin, a robot. I can put my arm back on, but you can't, so play safe.
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