When it Rains, it Pours.
If I was a man who believed in luck, I'd believe that my new car is incredibly unlucky. I used to be one of those guys that everyone was jealous of. I could do 120 in an 60 and never get busted. I hold the current record for the airport run from Kitchener. I think those days are dead and buried. Tonight on the way home from work I got popped for speeding. Luckily the cop I was dealing with was a half decent shit and knocked down my considerable speed quite a bit to get me into a lower fine bracket, unlike the cop a month ago who decided not too and hit me with a big fine. Of course, to be a completely cool shit he would have told me to slow down and be on my way. I suppose, I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
A sane man would make the assumption that he shouldn't speed anymore, of course, in my head all I hear is "find another way home".
Nah, I think I should probably just slow down a bit. At least to get me out of the big fine and points bracket anyways. I really should have bought a 1974 chevette that barely moved. I couldn't have even sped in a car like that.
What I don't get is the folks who get popped and get pissed off. Yeah, it sucks getting a ticket, but you know what, it was my own dumb fault, and the cops are just doing their job. It's not their fault that I seem to think that the way home from work is, in actuality, the qualifying lap for the indy500.
I think it's just that after work, I want to get as far away as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter if my plans are sitting at home playing halo all night, I just want to get away from the office in the fastest way possible. Of course, they could get rid of all those silly speed limits and we'd all be happier.
Speaking of Halo, if you haven't tried this game (and I know I'm probably speaking to about 2 people on the planet), don't. You will lose sleep, meals and your kids growing up. I missed the boat when this series came out, and what a miss. I've recently become educated in this franchise, and it is absolutely amazing. Take this from a guy who has played his share of video games. As good as it is I'm left with one question. How do they get the crack into the DVD? That's the only thing that I can think of that is this incredibly addictive. I'm glad I have my PVR setup so I can record all my discovery channel programs that I would normally be watching.
A thought struck me today as I was leaving work (peanut gallery, keep your comments to yourself). I've been leaving later than usual the past couple of weeks because of the amount of shit on my plate right now, and I noticed that it's usually the same people still there when I am. If you are in IT this doesn't count, because anyone in that industry knows the hours are always messed up anyways, so they don't fit the statistic (mostly). What I did notice though is most of the people who end up staying late are the single/divorced/whatever folks. It leads to a couple of interesting theories. The first being, is this the reason that they are single, and secondly, are they here because they feel like they are missing something at home? I'm entirely cool with being single (most of the time), but one aspect of this kinda creeps me out, and I am determined not to be like this. I am not going to turn out to be one of those kinds of folks who work sixteen hours a day because they don't have anything else that validates their existence. I just can't roll that way.
On a completely separate note, I think I have to get my haircut more often. Not because I want to look more kept and presentable, but because of the cute russian (? not sure, but think so) girl at the place where I get my hair cut. That's a great reason if I ever heard one...
Mmmm...Ice cream.
Ok, I'm done. Off to feed my ice cream craving. I hate watching network TV with all their brain robbing commercials.
Here's a cool link. It's cool, but got some of that physics stuff in it, so if you don't feel like learning anything don't go.
If you don't want to learn anything, go watch this video.
Last but (hopefully) not least, new song for my upcoming album.
Check it out Breakers
If you missed the other couple of tunes for the album (not Bork, Bork, Bork!) here are the links.

A sane man would make the assumption that he shouldn't speed anymore, of course, in my head all I hear is "find another way home".
Nah, I think I should probably just slow down a bit. At least to get me out of the big fine and points bracket anyways. I really should have bought a 1974 chevette that barely moved. I couldn't have even sped in a car like that.
What I don't get is the folks who get popped and get pissed off. Yeah, it sucks getting a ticket, but you know what, it was my own dumb fault, and the cops are just doing their job. It's not their fault that I seem to think that the way home from work is, in actuality, the qualifying lap for the indy500.

Speaking of Halo, if you haven't tried this game (and I know I'm probably speaking to about 2 people on the planet), don't. You will lose sleep, meals and your kids growing up. I missed the boat when this series came out, and what a miss. I've recently become educated in this franchise, and it is absolutely amazing. Take this from a guy who has played his share of video games. As good as it is I'm left with one question. How do they get the crack into the DVD? That's the only thing that I can think of that is this incredibly addictive. I'm glad I have my PVR setup so I can record all my discovery channel programs that I would normally be watching.
A thought struck me today as I was leaving work (peanut gallery, keep your comments to yourself). I've been leaving later than usual the past couple of weeks because of the amount of shit on my plate right now, and I noticed that it's usually the same people still there when I am. If you are in IT this doesn't count, because anyone in that industry knows the hours are always messed up anyways, so they don't fit the statistic (mostly). What I did notice though is most of the people who end up staying late are the single/divorced/whatever folks. It leads to a couple of interesting theories. The first being, is this the reason that they are single, and secondly, are they here because they feel like they are missing something at home? I'm entirely cool with being single (most of the time), but one aspect of this kinda creeps me out, and I am determined not to be like this. I am not going to turn out to be one of those kinds of folks who work sixteen hours a day because they don't have anything else that validates their existence. I just can't roll that way.

Mmmm...Ice cream.
Ok, I'm done. Off to feed my ice cream craving. I hate watching network TV with all their brain robbing commercials.
Here's a cool link. It's cool, but got some of that physics stuff in it, so if you don't feel like learning anything don't go.
If you don't want to learn anything, go watch this video.
Last but (hopefully) not least, new song for my upcoming album.
Check it out Breakers
If you missed the other couple of tunes for the album (not Bork, Bork, Bork!) here are the links.
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