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Here is the official warning folks. This entry will (not may) contain the use of a certain four letter word, that starts with an F and ends with an uck. If you find this kind of language objectionable, or you are worried about offending your virgin eyes look away and tune into the next entry. This one will be offensive.
Fuck the fucking fuckers.
Good. Got that out of the way right off the top.
Now, you may ask yourself, why the gratuitous warning, or perhaps if you didn't heed the warning and read the first line, what's up with the overuse of he word fuck. Well, let me tell you. I watched a very amusing, and very good documentary tonight called F*ck. It is all about the use and etymology of the word fuck. I'm not going to rehash the film, but I'd strongly suggest watching it. It really appealed to my sense of my anti-censorship. I've always been a really strong believer in the right to free speech, even when I don't like what is going to be said, I believe that it has the right to be said. Besides, I like the internet obscene and dirty thanks.
I love (sarcasm) the fact that the "public" can determine that certain words are deemed as obscene and others aren't. What gets me is the fact that I can utter a certain word and offend people. In my true nature, I actually really groove on the fact that I can utter a word that pisses people off. Not that I would do such a thing (wink, wink). It's all about the reaction anyways. Doesn't matter how they react, as long as they react.
The other thing that gets me going is the religious right dictating which words are naughty. For the sake of continuity, let's use the word fuck. It's always be an unwritten law that fuck is the big nasty one, and god won't like it if you say it. Hmmm, I understand the whole premise behind the theory that if you think it's bad, then by the nature of religion it is, but if I don't consider fuck an obscenity, and I cared about the religious viewpoint, I guess it wouldn't be a bad word. Without all the crazy theological and theoretical nonsense, let's look at the facts. No one knows where the word came from but it first appeared in print in the 1400's. 1400's huh? Last I heard Jesus (and religion for that matter) was around a little bit before the 1400's, so wouldn't any obscenities that were around during biblical times probably be lost in the sands of time, and not to mention not in English? Yup, you've been served.
Before I go off on some rampage here I better stop. One last point though. It's just a word. Plain and simple. Four letters strung together in a sequence. It's not like it's a gun. Last I heard a word never killed anyone. Directly anyways.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, fuck / Mother fuck, mother fuck, / Noich noich noich, / 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, / Noich, noich noich"

Fuck the fucking fuckers.
Good. Got that out of the way right off the top.
Now, you may ask yourself, why the gratuitous warning, or perhaps if you didn't heed the warning and read the first line, what's up with the overuse of he word fuck. Well, let me tell you. I watched a very amusing, and very good documentary tonight called F*ck. It is all about the use and etymology of the word fuck. I'm not going to rehash the film, but I'd strongly suggest watching it. It really appealed to my sense of my anti-censorship. I've always been a really strong believer in the right to free speech, even when I don't like what is going to be said, I believe that it has the right to be said. Besides, I like the internet obscene and dirty thanks.
I love (sarcasm) the fact that the "public" can determine that certain words are deemed as obscene and others aren't. What gets me is the fact that I can utter a certain word and offend people. In my true nature, I actually really groove on the fact that I can utter a word that pisses people off. Not that I would do such a thing (wink, wink). It's all about the reaction anyways. Doesn't matter how they react, as long as they react.

Before I go off on some rampage here I better stop. One last point though. It's just a word. Plain and simple. Four letters strung together in a sequence. It's not like it's a gun. Last I heard a word never killed anyone. Directly anyways.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, fuck / Mother fuck, mother fuck, / Noich noich noich, / 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, / Noich, noich noich"
Fuck, I was going to post something along the same lines. Oh well, here's a link you might enjoy...
I prefer saying fudge. It's much polite. Mother fudger!!!
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