We'll All Survive by Eating Each Other.
As with every Sunday, the inspiration bird has shat upon my head. Rather than a running diatribe like my usual entries, I think I'm going to write a couple of little entries. I could go on for an entire entry about my piece of shit car, but not everyone, including myself would find that very interesting, but it does make a good lead in to the first bit...Look at that lead in again, damn I'm good.
So I'm driving around this weekend looking for what car I'm going to throw my money at since my current one is coming off of lease and it's busy sucking my bank account dry when I spy a secret little neighborhood. As I'm driving past I take a look at the homes, and they are friggin monstrous. It was a double edged sword seeing them. First off I thought about the home I used to live in about a year ago. There were only two of us living in that house and I felt guilty the entire time. There is no reason why two people need that much room. Only about half the house was ever used. It was a complete and utter waste of space. Then the summer of unpleasantness came about and I was no longer living there. I've never looked back with regret about losing that house, and in turn, I've really looked at large houses like that in a different light. Does it really make a whole lot of sense to have a house that big? I don't care what people spend their money on, but seem to me like a huge waste. The only saving grace to the neighborhood was it wasn't a gated community. I think the best thing to do to a gated community would be to lock it from the outside and truly give them they're little private country. I know that seems bitter, but I'm always reminded of the ostrich with its head in the sand. Just because you don't like looking at the world, it doesn't mean that you can just ignore it. Wouldn't make more sense to try and fix some of the things wrong in society rather than hide away from it and let the problems multiply? That's just my opinion, but it feels right. And now for something completely different...
Last Wednesday I'm hosting poker night when I was paid one of the best, and yet confusing, compliments I've ever heard. One of my poker buddies made the comment that I was the most versatile person he had ever met. It was a compliment and I took it as such, but I had a hard time with it. The problem I had was not understanding the depth of the compliment. I've always lived my life by doing. When I want to know something new, or learn how to do something, I just do it. The part I don't understand is why everyone doesn't do this. I've always believed that if you are going to do something, you don't do it halfway. Learn everything you can about the subject and dive in head first. At least that's the way I roll.
What else to talk about this Sunday...the declining quality of internet porn? The fact that every trailer I watched before seeing X3 looked like it was written by a bunch of monkey's on crack? What the hell is all the hype about Snakes on a Plane? Nah, I think I'll just sign off. I'll update later this week when something interesting happens. In the immortal words of Ice-T, I'm out like the alphabet, A B Cya.

So I'm driving around this weekend looking for what car I'm going to throw my money at since my current one is coming off of lease and it's busy sucking my bank account dry when I spy a secret little neighborhood. As I'm driving past I take a look at the homes, and they are friggin monstrous. It was a double edged sword seeing them. First off I thought about the home I used to live in about a year ago. There were only two of us living in that house and I felt guilty the entire time. There is no reason why two people need that much room. Only about half the house was ever used. It was a complete and utter waste of space. Then the summer of unpleasantness came about and I was no longer living there. I've never looked back with regret about losing that house, and in turn, I've really looked at large houses like that in a different light. Does it really make a whole lot of sense to have a house that big? I don't care what people spend their money on, but seem to me like a huge waste. The only saving grace to the neighborhood was it wasn't a gated community. I think the best thing to do to a gated community would be to lock it from the outside and truly give them they're little private country. I know that seems bitter, but I'm always reminded of the ostrich with its head in the sand. Just because you don't like looking at the world, it doesn't mean that you can just ignore it. Wouldn't make more sense to try and fix some of the things wrong in society rather than hide away from it and let the problems multiply? That's just my opinion, but it feels right. And now for something completely different...

What else to talk about this Sunday...the declining quality of internet porn? The fact that every trailer I watched before seeing X3 looked like it was written by a bunch of monkey's on crack? What the hell is all the hype about Snakes on a Plane? Nah, I think I'll just sign off. I'll update later this week when something interesting happens. In the immortal words of Ice-T, I'm out like the alphabet, A B Cya.
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