I'd Buy That for a Dollar.
What has happened to pride? Now, I know that I may be a little more ego-centric than others, but much of that comes from pride. To steal a line from Al Pacino, "Vanity is my favorite sin", but I digress, almost. What I do, I do well. If I can not do it well, I spend the time necessary to learn what I have to in order to do/perform whatever it is I'm trying to do, and I feel good after I accomplish whatever I set out to do. What I don't get is why people don't care , or don't want to do something (or anything for that matter). The feeling of doing something right is a great reward in itself, so why wouldn't someone want that feeling?
I wish I could say what caused this latest rant, but I can't really put my finger on what the catalyst was. I think lately I've just noticed how half-assed many people are in regards to work and life. It doesn't matter if you don't like your job. Shit, some days I hate my job, but I still do what I have to do and feel good about it, even on days where I am in a complete and utter miserable and/or bitchy mood. I may not be the friendliest person in the world on days like that, but after I've put my head down and got done whatever it is that is pissing me off, the mood usually changes and I'm back to the usual weird and fun Moloquin.
This applies to life as well as work folks. Does anybody enjoy food shopping, or paying the huge fricken bill to get your piece of shit car out of the shop? No. Nobody enjoys that shit, but you still have to do it.
I have been known to procrastinate occasionally, but when push comes to shove, I still get it done. Nothing (and I mean absolutely nothing) pisses me off more than when somebody pushes something off repetitively, or get's somebody else to do their shit just because they don't want to. I've been guilty of doing things for people because they didn't want to do something, so I guess I am partially to blame, but the way I look at it, I'm just doing some one a favour. The whole formula changes when you are expected to do things. Getting taken advantage of always sucks, doubly so when the other party isn't even aware that they are doing it. Take note people. Don't abuse any friendship/relationship this way. It always comes back to bite you in the ass when you aren't expecting it, and it can come from either side.
On a completely different note, hear are a couple of things I've learnt this week. Think of it as friendly advice, or maybe as some more things that you didn't learn in kindergarten.
Getting a fresh start at life is a very cool feeling. Kinda scary, but cool none the less. What they don't tell you is how expensive it is. If you are planning a new start, the piece of advice I'd give you is save up first. I know it goes against my sporadic nature, but damn, we all have to eat (and be able to afford our vices, whatever they may be).
Don't ever buy a newer Mercedes Benz. Yes, they drive nice, and yes you do get respect at some places for driving one, but you have to question the quality of the car when you bring it in for an average service (and it is under three years old with only 60K on it), and the service receipt is four pages long with a list of stuff that is longer and more complicated than an Isaac Asimov novel. From the bill I got you'd think I was driving a 1986 Tempo, but, if it was a Tempo, it probably wouldn't have cost me over $500.00 for a fluid change. I didn't even get a kiss before I got screwed. Here’s one last thing about driving a Benz. If you have piercing and/or tattoo's and you drive one, don't be surprised if people think you are either a rock star, or a drug dealer, but if you play it right you can scare the shit out of your neighbors.
So, anyone want to be a slightly used Mercedes? It’s affordable. Trust me.
"Eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe, a form of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd."
Edith Sitwell

I wish I could say what caused this latest rant, but I can't really put my finger on what the catalyst was. I think lately I've just noticed how half-assed many people are in regards to work and life. It doesn't matter if you don't like your job. Shit, some days I hate my job, but I still do what I have to do and feel good about it, even on days where I am in a complete and utter miserable and/or bitchy mood. I may not be the friendliest person in the world on days like that, but after I've put my head down and got done whatever it is that is pissing me off, the mood usually changes and I'm back to the usual weird and fun Moloquin.
This applies to life as well as work folks. Does anybody enjoy food shopping, or paying the huge fricken bill to get your piece of shit car out of the shop? No. Nobody enjoys that shit, but you still have to do it.

On a completely different note, hear are a couple of things I've learnt this week. Think of it as friendly advice, or maybe as some more things that you didn't learn in kindergarten.
Getting a fresh start at life is a very cool feeling. Kinda scary, but cool none the less. What they don't tell you is how expensive it is. If you are planning a new start, the piece of advice I'd give you is save up first. I know it goes against my sporadic nature, but damn, we all have to eat (and be able to afford our vices, whatever they may be).

So, anyone want to be a slightly used Mercedes? It’s affordable. Trust me.
"Eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe, a form of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd."
Edith Sitwell
I haven't even read the post - i'm too busy shouting "Robocop", "Robocop", "Robocop", "Robocop"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, so I read the post - and I still say "Dead or alive, you are coming with me!"
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