Close, Yet Far.
This weekend Obi and his fam came over to my place. When they arrived at my place they happened to come in (I pretty much have an open door policy at casa Moloquin...if the doorbell rings, chances are I'm not expecting you, or you haven't been given the open door policy, and I probably won't answer it. Keeps the solicitors at bay) while I was downstairs playing guitar. Their son, who is eight now, has gotten to that point in life where he is really starting to enjoy music, so we played the game of "Can you play this, and can you play that?" Albeit, he was mostly picking older Metallica stuff, which was my bread and butter while playing in high school bands, but nonetheless was still fun to play some of the old stuff, at least what I could remember of it. I was then posed a question that actually took me back a bit. He asked me what my five favorite songs were. Being that music has always played such an important role in my life I've never really thought about what the top five actually were. The worst part is I couldn't come up with it, and like a badger running around in my skull, it hasn't stopped chewing yet, so I've decided to sit down and actually compile them. I guess this is the list of the month. My tastes don't usually change very dramatically, and chances are many of these would still be on the list a year from now, but what the hell, here goes anyways...
#1 Without question right now would be "Close, yet far" by CKY. Rarely does a song grab me as hard as this one did. I am one of those people who have a slight OCD reaction to music. I have to listen to albums from start to finish and never repeat tracks, except this one (that's kinda oxymoronic isn't it?). It is one of the rare (actually, the only song in memory) where I will skip back on the Ipod and listen to it again, and again, and again, ad nauseum. If you aren't familiar with this track, or this band, pick some up. It's a sleeper band, in that they aren't that big yet, but I have no doubt they will be (even though they have 4 albums). Just pick up some of their stuff, you'll be glad you did.
#2 would be "Even Rats" by The Slip. I was introduced to this one by playing the ridiculous game Guitar Hero. It's definitely a solid track, but I after going out exploring to find other tracks by them, it's the only one that I liked. That's not to say other people might not like there other stuff, but wasn't to my tastes. It's worth buying the game for if you have a PS2, and, as well, you get one of the most fun (and idiotic) games of the year.
#3 is "Imagine" by A Perfect Circle. Most people are more familiar with frontman Maynard James Keenan's other band Tool, but this is the diamond of the collection. I had a really hard time even bringing myself to listen to this. Imagine is one of those songs, that in my opinion, was one of the untouchable ones. I mean, how could anyone ever cover one of the most influential songs of all time and keep it sounding ok, let alone good. The video for it is amazing as well. One of those tracks that will give you goosebumps when you listen to it. It will spawn many debates though in the form of, whose is better? John Lennon or A Perfect Circle. When you figure out the answer let me know because I can't decide.
#4 is tough. The last couple are always the tough ones. With so much good music out there, it's hard to pick out which ones make the list, and which ones get cut. It would probably be "Sweet Amber" by Metallica. I know all you haters out there will be going "How can you pick that over all the classic stuff?" As good as the classic stuff is (and it is amazing), this track really shows their progression while embracing their roots. It's the perfect mix for them. With a band that has five amazing albums (and a bunch of bad ones), determining the one great track can change a lot depending on mood.
#5 is a classic. It's one I've been into since I was a teenager, and has always stuck with me. It's "Behind the Wall of Sleep" by The Smithereens. If you've never heard it check it out. Really powerful track without any huge meaning behind it. Just an overall solid, and really influential, track. The Smithereens were (are) one of those bands that every musician is usually into, but not truly appreciated by the general public. I'd really like to find out the magic equation behind that one.
Notice I didn't pick any of my own tracks in there? As much of an egoist as I am, I couldn't even pick any of my own tracks, even if they are that good (sarcasm again).
The whole topic of music lead to an interesting weekend conversation with Obi and his wife. The whole idea of "Is this where you truly wanted to end up?" conversation. I know it seems pretty obscure how music lead to that conversation, but all shall be explained. Most people who have bridged the 30 mark are either on the way to where they are wanting to be, or are still trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up. I am definitely in the second category. This is where the music thing joins the rest of the conversation. I was a professional musician for many years before joining the "official" work force. Even to this day I question my choices, and Obi managed to sum it up in a single statement. It's odd having one of those deep down concerns that we all carry around with us summed up in a simple sentence. Not in a bad way, but it truly shows how a second set of eyes can see things in a way you can't. The statement was, (and this does deserve it's own line)
"After working against the machine for so many years, and then becoming part of it...It rubs you wrong way."
Wow. Definitely an epiphany. Not that it makes any difference in any way, shape, or form, but it feels good to have it summed up so succinctly, and in a way I could never put together. Some people would probably call it selling out, but it's hard to buy a car with good intentions and righteous outrage.
Like my signature says, I guess I was punk once...
I would have posted more pictures, but Blogger is broken again...

#1 Without question right now would be "Close, yet far" by CKY. Rarely does a song grab me as hard as this one did. I am one of those people who have a slight OCD reaction to music. I have to listen to albums from start to finish and never repeat tracks, except this one (that's kinda oxymoronic isn't it?). It is one of the rare (actually, the only song in memory) where I will skip back on the Ipod and listen to it again, and again, and again, ad nauseum. If you aren't familiar with this track, or this band, pick some up. It's a sleeper band, in that they aren't that big yet, but I have no doubt they will be (even though they have 4 albums). Just pick up some of their stuff, you'll be glad you did.
#2 would be "Even Rats" by The Slip. I was introduced to this one by playing the ridiculous game Guitar Hero. It's definitely a solid track, but I after going out exploring to find other tracks by them, it's the only one that I liked. That's not to say other people might not like there other stuff, but wasn't to my tastes. It's worth buying the game for if you have a PS2, and, as well, you get one of the most fun (and idiotic) games of the year.
#3 is "Imagine" by A Perfect Circle. Most people are more familiar with frontman Maynard James Keenan's other band Tool, but this is the diamond of the collection. I had a really hard time even bringing myself to listen to this. Imagine is one of those songs, that in my opinion, was one of the untouchable ones. I mean, how could anyone ever cover one of the most influential songs of all time and keep it sounding ok, let alone good. The video for it is amazing as well. One of those tracks that will give you goosebumps when you listen to it. It will spawn many debates though in the form of, whose is better? John Lennon or A Perfect Circle. When you figure out the answer let me know because I can't decide.
#4 is tough. The last couple are always the tough ones. With so much good music out there, it's hard to pick out which ones make the list, and which ones get cut. It would probably be "Sweet Amber" by Metallica. I know all you haters out there will be going "How can you pick that over all the classic stuff?" As good as the classic stuff is (and it is amazing), this track really shows their progression while embracing their roots. It's the perfect mix for them. With a band that has five amazing albums (and a bunch of bad ones), determining the one great track can change a lot depending on mood.
#5 is a classic. It's one I've been into since I was a teenager, and has always stuck with me. It's "Behind the Wall of Sleep" by The Smithereens. If you've never heard it check it out. Really powerful track without any huge meaning behind it. Just an overall solid, and really influential, track. The Smithereens were (are) one of those bands that every musician is usually into, but not truly appreciated by the general public. I'd really like to find out the magic equation behind that one.
Notice I didn't pick any of my own tracks in there? As much of an egoist as I am, I couldn't even pick any of my own tracks, even if they are that good (sarcasm again).
The whole topic of music lead to an interesting weekend conversation with Obi and his wife. The whole idea of "Is this where you truly wanted to end up?" conversation. I know it seems pretty obscure how music lead to that conversation, but all shall be explained. Most people who have bridged the 30 mark are either on the way to where they are wanting to be, or are still trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up. I am definitely in the second category. This is where the music thing joins the rest of the conversation. I was a professional musician for many years before joining the "official" work force. Even to this day I question my choices, and Obi managed to sum it up in a single statement. It's odd having one of those deep down concerns that we all carry around with us summed up in a simple sentence. Not in a bad way, but it truly shows how a second set of eyes can see things in a way you can't. The statement was, (and this does deserve it's own line)
"After working against the machine for so many years, and then becoming part of it...It rubs you wrong way."
Wow. Definitely an epiphany. Not that it makes any difference in any way, shape, or form, but it feels good to have it summed up so succinctly, and in a way I could never put together. Some people would probably call it selling out, but it's hard to buy a car with good intentions and righteous outrage.
Like my signature says, I guess I was punk once...
I would have posted more pictures, but Blogger is broken again...
You forgot to mention Akinyele's classic tune - "Put It In Your Mouth".
Absolutely must be on anyone's list.
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