Guys...just let me sleep...Ok?
So I'm laying in here in bed pretending to fall asleep (and failing miserably I may add), when from out of the blue a memory jumps into my head. I'm one who usually prides myself on my memory so it kind of freaks me out when something jumps in there that I know is a memory, but I don't have a really any strong recollection of the details.
Since time began, or at least as long as I am concerned, I have been stricken with insomnia. Most of the time it barely bothers me as I get to accomplish a whole bunch of stuff while the rest of the world is sleeping, but occasionally it comes back to bite me in the ass. The past two weeks has been a pit bull gnawing on my posterior. Usually I'll go days on end with next to no sleep and then I'll crash and burn. When I say crash and burn, I mean hard. I'll fall asleep for eight hours and don't even so much as roll over. Gabriel himself blowing the trumpet of doom into my ear wouldn't wake me. During these down times I have been known to miss phone calls, people at my door, people in my house (when I shared it with others), and miss flights because I never woke up. I currently have three alarm clocks just to wake me up in case I do burn (and have been known to sleep through all three), but I've been going on a stretch of over two and a half weeks now with little to no sleep. Being that I've been an insomniac for so long it doesn't really bother me that much during the “awake” hours, but it sure frustrates the hell out of me when I'm trying to get to sleep. It's during these stretches of no sleep when I'm actually most creative (see point above about frustration). It's a double edged sword.
Moloquin 1 “Can't sleep.”
Moloquin 2 “Then do something...How about a new tune?”
M1 “Good idea...lets fire up some, oh wait. It's four in the morning. Probably not a good idea.”
M2 “How about some filming?”
M1 “Got all the night shots we need for the latest project.”
M2 “Write a blog entry.”
M1 “Great idea, lets get started.”
M3 “Would you guys shut the hell up and try to sleep? You start that now you are never gonna sleep.”
and thus it begins. Slice and dice and no sleep tonight.
Back to the point. As I'm laying here an image pops in my head. It's of a girl I think I used to go out with back in a past life.
It's vivid enough I can make out a lot of details about her. I can see her hair and how I think it's longer than when we started going out, the look of barely impressed resignation on her face, the small tattoo on her hand just above the webbing in between her thumb and forefinger, and a couple of other things that I really shouldn't mention in my blog, but the damnedest thing is you think I could remember her name or whereabouts in the time line this all took place? Damned if I know. I think that's the freakiest thing. Floating memories in the eddies of my brain that really don't have any docking point to attach to. Now, in all realism I can guess when about this would have taken place, but it bugs the shit outta me that I can't nail it down for sure.
Someday I'm going to catch that leprechaun that's been core sampling my brain and make it put all my memories back in order. When your brain feels like an etch a sketch that's usually a good indication that you had better get some sleep soon or things are really going to get silly.
One last note before we try this sleep thing again. Work on the film is progressing, albeit slowly, but that's pretty much what it is always like in preproduction. The devil is in the details as the story goes. On a plus note it looks like the new production company is going to be getting off the ground soon. A bunch of ideas have all been white boarded and I think we're going to go ahead and shoot at least two of them (besides the full length picture). There were at least two that we green lighted. One that actually had me laughing out loud, and the other thinking about in a very dark, morose way. Both should prove interesting to film. Here's to hoping anyways. There is a good chance one or two of the shorter ones will be available on line in time, so keep watching for them. I'll post them whenever they are in the can, and everyone has agreed to it.
Sayonara folks.

Since time began, or at least as long as I am concerned, I have been stricken with insomnia. Most of the time it barely bothers me as I get to accomplish a whole bunch of stuff while the rest of the world is sleeping, but occasionally it comes back to bite me in the ass. The past two weeks has been a pit bull gnawing on my posterior. Usually I'll go days on end with next to no sleep and then I'll crash and burn. When I say crash and burn, I mean hard. I'll fall asleep for eight hours and don't even so much as roll over. Gabriel himself blowing the trumpet of doom into my ear wouldn't wake me. During these down times I have been known to miss phone calls, people at my door, people in my house (when I shared it with others), and miss flights because I never woke up. I currently have three alarm clocks just to wake me up in case I do burn (and have been known to sleep through all three), but I've been going on a stretch of over two and a half weeks now with little to no sleep. Being that I've been an insomniac for so long it doesn't really bother me that much during the “awake” hours, but it sure frustrates the hell out of me when I'm trying to get to sleep. It's during these stretches of no sleep when I'm actually most creative (see point above about frustration). It's a double edged sword.
Moloquin 1 “Can't sleep.”
Moloquin 2 “Then do something...How about a new tune?”
M1 “Good idea...lets fire up some, oh wait. It's four in the morning. Probably not a good idea.”
M2 “How about some filming?”
M1 “Got all the night shots we need for the latest project.”
M2 “Write a blog entry.”
M1 “Great idea, lets get started.”
M3 “Would you guys shut the hell up and try to sleep? You start that now you are never gonna sleep.”
and thus it begins. Slice and dice and no sleep tonight.
Back to the point. As I'm laying here an image pops in my head. It's of a girl I think I used to go out with back in a past life.

Someday I'm going to catch that leprechaun that's been core sampling my brain and make it put all my memories back in order. When your brain feels like an etch a sketch that's usually a good indication that you had better get some sleep soon or things are really going to get silly.

Sayonara folks.
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