Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work We Go.
Well, here we are. Sunday again, and I'm awaiting my laundry to finish so I can call it a night. Of course, this night is different than the usual Sunday evening, in a couple of ways. First off, I went to see Jackass: Number Two tonight with CG. The only thing I can say is, if you liked the first one, you'll love number two. If you hated the first one, then caveat emptor. Mind you, I have one of the largest collection of Jackass related stuff, so I was in pure heaven watching this one, but even I can admit that some of the stunts were nasty...very nasty. There were a couple of bits where even I was watching it all happen the same way you watch a car accident happen in front of you. You know what's going to happen; you just can't believe it is. But, I got off pretty lucky from the looks of those in the theatre around me. Poor CG was beside me cringing in her seat and watching the movie from in between her fingers...but still couldn't look away. I've always liked that about the series ('s?); besides being absolutely gut wrenchingly funny, no matter what they did, you couldn't look away, even if you desperately wanted too. Worth the price of admission if you are into that sort of thing.
I was questioning as to why I enjoy watching people hurt themselves, and besides the usual reasons of loving see people humiliate themselves, I think it takes me back to my (more) adventurous youth. I was one of those teenagers who would do all kinds of crazy things, just because I could. The crew I hung with never really thought about the reproductions of what we were doing. We were part of the whole skateboarding re-birth of the eighties, and I guess since we were hurting ourselves on a regular basis anyways, why not up the ante. Of course we never though of camcording it. Guess that's the hindsight being 20-20 thing. I can't count the amount of times I'd come limping home from some latest adventure, trying to be all cavalier about it, and trying to hide the fruits of our labors from my parents, all the while just wanting to lay down on the couch and lick my wounds...Of course this did come back and haunt me on (more than one) occasion. The most memorable being the day I decided to give myself amnesia.
One very somewhat memorable day I and my buddies decided it was a good winter day to go tobogganing. This was a common occurrence around here, and since I had a brand new GT snowracer I was rip roaring ready to go. Now, we had taken GT'ing to the nth degree, there wasn't a hill we wouldn't ride, or a car we wouldn't hitch behind.
Whilst adventuring around looking for some new hills, we discovered a little slice of pain out of the way from our homes, and since we were already in hyped up state of mind, we figured, why not ride it. The freezing rain we received a few days earlier just made it all the better. Once we got into the back country of where we decided to go GT'ing, we looked around and noticed that there wasn't as much hills as there was cliff's, and why wouldn't we try to ride it. We slowly ramped up doing ten foot drops, then fifteens, then the mother of them all. It was about a twenty-five foot drop in. We were all skateboarders in the summer months, so a twenty-five foot drop in wasn't completely out of the question. Although, when skating a ramp you have a two pound board, and not a big hunk of steel and plastic you are riding like a snowmobile. After a few minutes of contemplating our death's if this went wrong, it was time to take the plunge. My buddy went first and wrecked. He went one way, and the GT went the other. Seeing that just upped the ante in my head. Now the challenge was on with who could land it. I rustled up my courage and did the drop, miserably I might add. Same result as my buddy. Landed on my ass, and decided I just had to try it again. Up I went, watching one of my buddies wreck again on the way down. No one had landed it yet...I had to do this. On what was (unbeknownst to me) to be my last run through everything went wrong. I was flying down the slight incline to pick up enough speed to pull off the drop when one of the skis on the GT caught an ice ridge and started to twist sideways. Of course, this was just on the lip of the cliff. As soon as I took air over the edge the GT continued to twist and flipped me off. I managed a half flip and promptly landed on the ice below using my face as a brake. Apparently I slid about ten to fifteen feet this way with all the grace of a sack of potatoes. I was out cold. Probably had a good chunk of a concussion as well. I came to about five to ten minutes later with everyone clustered around me asking if I was ok, you alive, etc. etc. At this point I had no idea who I was or where I was. We started walking back to the car, with my buddies guiding me the entire way, and I was going through my mind like a rolodex. Reciting phone numbers, addresses, etc. I guess it was like a reboot or something. After convincing everyone I didn't need to go to the hospital (probably wrong) they dropped me off at home and I dragged my sorry ass into the washroom to assess the damage. I looked in the mirror and stared shocked at what was looking back at me. There was half a person looking back at me. I had a little phantom of the opera action going on. The left half of my face was one giant scab. This beautiful visage was almost ruined that fateful winter day. To this day I still can't remember that years Christmas. From what I've heard, it was a good one too.
The other way this Sunday is different from the others is I get to go on a business trip down to St. Paul tomorrow. I guess I should try to get some sleep tonight...
One last thing before I sign off...something has been bothering me of late. I have been thinking of one of those overused clichés and how inaccurate it is. It's this one. "It's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all". Whoever thought that one up is a fricken idiot. Hear that all ya all? It's a line of crap. Trust the rev on that one. I got another one for ya. "Ignorance is Bliss".
I don't know where the hell that came from. Time to pack for my trip.

I was questioning as to why I enjoy watching people hurt themselves, and besides the usual reasons of loving see people humiliate themselves, I think it takes me back to my (more) adventurous youth. I was one of those teenagers who would do all kinds of crazy things, just because I could. The crew I hung with never really thought about the reproductions of what we were doing. We were part of the whole skateboarding re-birth of the eighties, and I guess since we were hurting ourselves on a regular basis anyways, why not up the ante. Of course we never though of camcording it. Guess that's the hindsight being 20-20 thing. I can't count the amount of times I'd come limping home from some latest adventure, trying to be all cavalier about it, and trying to hide the fruits of our labors from my parents, all the while just wanting to lay down on the couch and lick my wounds...Of course this did come back and haunt me on (more than one) occasion. The most memorable being the day I decided to give myself amnesia.
One very somewhat memorable day I and my buddies decided it was a good winter day to go tobogganing. This was a common occurrence around here, and since I had a brand new GT snowracer I was rip roaring ready to go. Now, we had taken GT'ing to the nth degree, there wasn't a hill we wouldn't ride, or a car we wouldn't hitch behind.

The other way this Sunday is different from the others is I get to go on a business trip down to St. Paul tomorrow. I guess I should try to get some sleep tonight...

I don't know where the hell that came from. Time to pack for my trip.
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