Monday, October 02, 2006

There has to be Something in the Water...

What the hell is wrong with the world this past month? People have been losing their mind and going psychotic. I stumbled across an article a few minutes ago about some truck driver going into an Amish schoolhouse just outside of Philly and gunning down a bunch of young girls (article) , then last week some guy in Colorado did the same thing at a high school (article) . A couple of weeks before that was the whole Montreal shootings up here in the North (article) . There was also an incident of some teenage kid gunning down his principle for getting caught with cigarettes. No wonder everyone is paranoid about sending their kids through our school system.

The worst thing about all of this (not including the kid who shot the principle) is pretty much every time some low-life degenerate pulls something like this it inevitably ends with them putting a gun to their forehead and giving themselves a brain enema. I really want them to just catch one of these bastards before he can kill himself so he gets what's coming to him.

I am not in the revenge business. I am not a vengeful person, but sometimes the ends have to justify the means. I think it's very justifiable for these people to get gang ass raped in prison, tortured, utterly broken, and thrown away like a piece of yesterdays garbage. Just killing these fucks is too good for them.

I can understand that there are probably psychological things that influence these people into doing this kind of shit, but to be perfectly honest, I don't give a shit. I don't care if they were neglected as a child. I don't care if they got bullied in school. I even don't care if they were abused. There are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people who fall into these categories and most of them lead productive and wholesome lives. There is no doubt that it is a hard path to walk down and recover, but it can (and is) done. Just because the world shit's on your does not give you any reason to shit back on it.

I want to see these motherfuckers strung up by their fingernails and tortured.

Amid all the insanity while the world is spinning down the toilet and people are killing each other, there is some school teacher down in Texas getting suspended from her job (article) . The reason she is getting suspended is because she brought a bunch of school kids on a field trip to the Dallas Museum of Art and there was a couple of pieces that included nudity. One of the kids went home and told their parents as much and said parents flew off the handle and are gunning for this art teacher now. FFS! It's not like the aforementioned teacher brought in copies of Hustler for the kids to look at. It was fine art. Nudity and art are one in the same. One always occurs with the other. It is about the human form and the beauty, or frailty, or whatever the original artist was going for. They are now going as far as to censor the sculptures on the TV.

You want to know why kids are growing up to be self-conscious to the point of fanaticism, and thinking that nudity is a horrible and shameful thing? I think the proof is in the pudding.

The nude human form is nothing dirty, or sinful. It is the ultimate in beauty, form and inspiration. There is nothing to be ashamed of, or anything that should be hidden.

I have seen the damaged goods that come out of society because of this kind of stifling and smothering. All it does is damage these poor kids down the road and create open wounds that rarely heal.

How can we be worried about some sculpture which contains a bit of nudity when we have fricken psycho's running around gunning down little girls in schools?

I was going to write a trite piece about the adventures of CG and I in Toronto this weekend and my trip to St. Paul last week, but it seems hardly the place now. I'll save that story when I'm in a better frame of mind and I'm off of my soapbox.


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