Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Unmitigated Stink of the Centuries

This title has absolutely nothing to do with this entry. It was just a cool line from a TV series I've gotten hooked on. It's a show from the UK about the worst jobs in history. Definitely something to watch when you think your job sucks. It really makes you grateful for what you do compared to what you could be doing.

This past Friday was the annual Xmas party for work. Although it wasn't monumental or memorable as last years, it still rates fairly high on the fun list. Of course I was pretty much piss drunk by dessert, but that's just about par for the course in Moloquin's rules of good partying. Luckily there were lots of other people following the same rules so there was a large group of us all pissed and dancing to songs we would never dance to if sober. God, you have to love the benefits of alcohol. Luckily there was really no nasty incidents this year, but that was probably due to the lack of a sufficient torch bearer this year. I think we all spread it over a group of us rather than appoint one poor sod.

In an effort to keep the embarrassing stories to a minimum, I'll keep this short. I'm not above telling embarrassing stories about myself, but I'm not sure other folks want me exposing their drunken behavior to the world. Let's put it this way. There were many asses grabbed at inappropriate times, many inappropriate comments towards those of the opposite (and sometimes the same) sex, and a certain reverend who decided this would be a great occasion to show off some hardware. Probably not the wisest decision he's ever made, but it has almost become expected at various parties that he attends (and don't worry, the aforementioned hardware is allowed to be displayed in public without getting arrested. Think above the equator people). Of course, it probably wouldn't have been on display as much if someone (who shall remain nameless) would have stopped unbuttoning his shirt. I mean, undressing a priest in public, that's got to be a crime isn't it? I sense a confession coming up soon from some one.

Many of you may have noticed I haven't written an entry about this years nutbucket drama. There are a couple of very valid reason for this. Firstly, I think I've written about the nutbuckets enough to get the point across, and secondly, I refused it this year. I was dead serious when I said I didn't want it. Imagine getting the same Xmas present every year for six years in a row. Nothing says thank you like getting the same present every year, even after people have expressed their indifference (if not their dislike) towards getting them. I could rant here forever, but I think it's simply better if I close the book on the nutbucket (for at least a year or so).

On the note of Xmas gifts, no one has gotten me the Xmas gift I'm longing for this year. Come on people, what's the hold up?

I have done my priestly duty this year and saved something. I'd like you all to meet the new addition to casa Moloquin.

In my true Danish heritage I've named her Loki (or Loke as the correct spelling dictates). Loki was the foster brother of Odin and is known as the trickster. It seemed fitting for her. She was destined for the pound, and since I hate seeing animals end up there, I took her in. Luckily for me she is probably the most well mannered cat I've ever had, and comes completely trained. She was obviously some one's pet that either ran away, or was turned away. For right now, she is just a guest in case her owner does come forward, but she's fitting in to her new life quite well. If her owner doesn't come forward she can live here. And, in case any of you are wondering, no, I don't want to save any more animals, so don't ask.

For those of you who relish in other peoples embarrassing moments, I'm sure someone will be posting pictures of this years party. I'll be sure to share the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) here in some upcoming entry.

Now I suppose I should go find something for dinner. Any suggestions?


Two quick updates. Firstly, Loki scared the shit out of me tonight. Apparently she knows how to say hello. No, I'm not on crack. I was sitting in my office when I heard "Hello?" from downstairs 3 times in a row. It was close enough I had to go check it out...Maybe I don't have all the alcohol out of my system yet from Friday night, or I've been living by myself for too long. Any of the above scenarios are damn scary ideas.

Secondly, I just finished another song for my new album, but I'm not posting this one online right away. I made a couple of promises to people that they could hear any new tunes first before I publish them online. I can tell you it's called "Soulkiller" and it may be uploaded before Xmas, if I get off my ass and get it to the people I told I would.



Blogger Alex said...

Tacos, you can never go wrong with tacos.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Reverend Moloquin said...

Damnit...Now I want a Taco bucket.

3:53 AM  

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