Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Piece of Sage Advice...

In order for employees to appreciate the company they work for, the company they work for must also appreciate their employees.

Time for a road trip methinks. Who wants to come out to Montreal for the weekend?


One last thing. Just heard an argument that I think may stick with me forever. It is only three words, but has (at least to me) an incredible impact that I can't seem to shake. It's not something that jumps out right away, but seems to plague your thoughts...Well, at least mine.

Faith or Chance?


And just to keep things in line. Go read these. They are both by T.S. Eliot, probably one of the best writers to ever have lived.

The Wasteland
The Hollow Men (my personal fave)


I figure why start a new blog entry for all this little stuff. I got to put a scratch pad online to jot this little stuff down.

Anyways, how silly is this? My Xbox 360 is blogging now as well. I think this has gone just about far enough.

360's Blog?



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