Monday, December 05, 2005

The Chase is Still Better than the Catch

Since my last entry, a couple of questions have come up regarding my own views that I didn't really extrapolate on. I figure, since I'm already blurting out shit that I probably shouldn't be, I'll just keep pressing on slipping out stuff that I shouldn't. I mean, Why the hell not? If I'm enough of an exhibitionist to air my dirty laundry on the internet, I might as well go for the full monty...

First off, the question that has come up the most. My own 3 wishes. Two of these three have remained the same since the dawn of the great question debate, and one is relatively new. It's more a variation on what the original wish was. I'm not going to say which one is the relatively new one. People who know me personally should know which one is new. To the rest of you, it doesn't matter anyways. The show must go on.

1) World Peace. I know, I know, Predictable, but just because it's predictable doesn't make it any less important. You'd think with the amount of people who've had this in their list we'd have figured it out by now. I think we have, at a grass roots level, it's just a matter of the ones with the power catching on. Normally, bitter man would jump in here and start bitching about dinosaurs, power struggles, and politics, but we're keeping him in the attic these days...He's not a very happy fellow.

2) Complete breakdown of the gap in gender communication. I have written about this one before. Any of you regular readers will remember my way too long entry on this one. Quick summary for new people. If you have something to say to your significant other, just fucking say it. Don't say "NOTHING", don't play coy, don't dance around the subject, don't guilt trip, and don't try to cover up the true meaning behind your words. I am not accusing either gender of being guilty here. Both are equally as guilty. Wouldn't it be nice if everything was just straight up and honest without games? Think about it. I guess this could apply to broader views than the gender gap, but I like applying it here.

3) Here comes my selfish one...Sort of. It's also egotistical. Financial independence. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my job or anything, but I just don't think that what I am doing now is my "True Calling", for lack of a better term. I have a delusion of grandeur for this one (no, I'm not going to tell you what it is), but I know that I cannot do what I want to without financial independence. My delusion does not pay well.

It seems my little "Wishes" test is starting to make the rounds. I've heard it come up a few different times now. Kinda neat. Reminds me of back in the musician days when I would hear one of my own tunes on the radio. Like I need a bigger ego right now. It would seem that my ego is one of the things which has been slowly growing over the last half year. There's the answer to question number two that has come up. The person who asked the question will know what this is the answer to. Maybe I'm not quite ready for the full monty...more the half monty I guess. G-string isn't coming off yet apparently. Sorry about that power of suggestion to the people who know me.

A couple of quick points to end this one off with. Today is the first day of re-quitting smoking. It feels easier this time around (we'll see how I am in two days while I'm playing poker), and I'm not feeling as anxious as last time. I wish I could say what my motivations were but I think it was just “Time”. The reason I started again doesn't have any effect on my life any longer, therefore I shouldn't need to smoke any longer either. There may be a secondary agenda there, but I'm not even sure if it's there or not, or if I want to reveal it. I'm not saying that quitting smoking is easy (it isn't), but I feel better about it this time. It's all about will power and the ability to release endorphins. I don't get angry and bitchy like most people, but I do get easily confused and distracted. Whenever I quit smoking, I don't sleep for about three days and am constantly walking around with the look on my face like that of a man who suddenly can't remember if he wiped or not after his last constitutional. To compare what it is like, it's kind of like low grade drunk for three to five days. Sounds like fun, but anything that keeps you out of full control for an extended period of time gets annoying. I'm also going to use this as an excuse to explain away any typo's or grammatical errors that occur.

Since this is just a follow up entry, I'm not really all that concerned about coming up with some conclusion. Usually I leave off these entries with some kind of non-sequitur but I've already used them all up for the week chatting on messenger. I've really got to stop chatting so much on messenger. When I run out of absurdism's, I know that I have a problem.


Quitting smoking Update.

Just thought I'd keep everyone in the loop of what it's like to quit smoking. Kinda documentary style, point form, and straight up. No one cares about the stupid quit smoking ads on TV. We all quit for our own reasons. As of right now it is ten minutes shy of twenty four hours smoke free. The insomnia kicked in hard last night, so I've now been awake for twenty six and a half hours straight now...Have to admit, having a hard time concentrating at work. Went out for lunch and got some sushi to try and get the protein and carbs fighting to give me some energy. Worked for a while, then an angel brought me coffee...I'm very disoriented, and feel like I'm asleep, but not. Everything is kind of blurry around the edges. Not angry or bitchy yet though...Probably a good thing.


Smoking Update 2

33 hours without smoking. 35 hours without sleep. Body and mind are exhausted, but not that tired yet. Time has slowed down to a crawl. I'm really wanting to go to bed, but I don't think it's time yet. Last time I quit smoking I was up for 56 hours straight, and I really don't want a repeat performance this time. Concentration is gone. I'm actually having a hard time even carrying on a conversation with a friend I can usually talk for hours with. I'm not sure how much is just pure exhaustion/sleep deficiancy, and how much is a result of the nicotene withdrawl. The cravings are getting more plentiful, but I'm still going to fight my way through this. I have succeeded once before, and I have no doubt I will succeed this time. The one thing that I should mention to anyone out there who is on the verge of quitting smoking and is reading this, is I still want to smoke, but it's all about will power. I quit cold turkey. This is not the best way for everyone. The only things I use to help me beat smoking is orange juice and gum. I don't believe that using a Nicotene replacement is a true method of quitting smoking, but in order for my method to work for you, you must have a very, very strong will and the ability to control your thought process to a tee. As far as I'm concerned, there are only a couple of things that have power over me, a certain person who will remain nameless, and myself. A silly chemical will not beat me.


Smoking update 3

Just officially crossed the 48 hour mark. Only 24 to go until the nicotene is all out of my body. Got some sleep last night, but very fitful. Waking up every hour. Better than not sleeping at all I suppose. The time distortion has reversed today. Yesterday a minute took an hour, today an hour takes a minute. I am overdosing on caffiene today. 5th XL coffee out of the way, now I'm on to redbull. They don't sell it in cases up here anymore, so have to buy singles...I know all about the dangers with caffiene when you quit smoking (your caffiene receptors are blocked when you are a smoker, so it takes twice as much caffiene to effect a smoker as compared to a non-smoker), but I need the caffiene to keep me going. Going out for more japanese food tonight, should keep me going. Still disoriented and fuzzy, but only 24 hours to go. Cya next update.


Smoking Update 4

This is probably the last update. Now at hour 69 without a smoke. Brain is not quite as fuzzy today as the past couple of days. Only 3 hours to go before all the nicotene in my systems has metabolized. From there on out it's just convincing the brain. Had a huge (read sickening) amount of sushi and sashimi last night for dinner. Good brain food. Defenately helped keep me on the even keel, and the company was awesome as well. Think I'm into the clear sailing portion of the quitting smoking thing. Lets just see if I survive the poker game tonight. Still chewing an insane amount of gum and drinking tons of fluids. That won't stop for a while yet...


Blogger ShaolinTiger said...

Hey I quit before lasted 12 months, but failed, I requit again recently!

Made a blog quitting smoking too, maybe you can contribute or something?

11:03 AM  

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