How Krull is 500 Times Better than Sex.
This weekend was probably the most slothful weekend I've had in years. The most exciting thing would have been running to Tim Horton's to get my caffeine fix. You know those time lapse photography films where you get to watch the fruit rot in fast forward? If you were to set up a camera in my house pointed at my favorite corner of the couch this weekend, it would be a five minute film where the only change would be me drinking a coffee or lighting a cigar. Seriously. The only leaving of the couch was to get coffee, get a cigar from the humidor, and make food. I love the fact that we live in a wireless world now. I don't have to get up and turn the channel dial (you youngin's won't have any idea what I'm talking about with that), and my phone, remote control, and laptop are all within hands reach. I probably shouldn't be bragging about how lazy I was this weekend, but what the hell. Every once in a while everyone needs to take a weekend and do absolutely nothing. Because of this, I watched more TV this weekend than I have over the past 6 months. I actually feel less intelligent after this weekend, but the TV has given me a couple of topics to write about.
I think it was about 10 years ago or so that I remember the word "Geek" changed in meaning. When I was a kid, geek was one of the worst things you could be called on the playground. It was up there with Nerd, Dweeb or Spas. I think I may have just dated myself with a couple of those. So be it, on with the point. It was one of those fighting words that was guaranteed to start a scrap after British Bulldog. Then, without warning, it was acceptable to be a geek. People wore it like a badge of honor. Everyone who could fix a computer was suddenly getting invited out to parties. Actors were going out and buying glasses so they could look more studious during interviews. Jokes about DOS were getting laughs by everyone, but like every other
trend, it seems to have gone too far. I can admit my geekiness, but at the same time, I can find my way around a car engine, and I enjoy playing football and snowboarding. It seems now that the "Geeks" of the world are using it to get out of being anything other than a geek and not trying to do anything outside of the niche. There is a huge pitfall with anyone stereotyping themselves. Once you have labeled yourself, it's very hard to break free of it. It's not only the geek stereotype, but all stereotypes. Once you have accepted you are something, most people stop doing things outside of what they are expected to do. You can miss some very enjoyable things if you stop trying to discover new adventures. I have known a lot of people who get themselves trapped where they won't listen to music outside of their genre, or won't associate with people who don't view the world in the same way. Rather than be part of clique, embrace the parts of all the cliques that you enjoy and be a whole person.
I'm going to return to a topic that I've bitched about in the past because it's pissing me off again. The media is cramming it down my throat. When are people going to realize that the corporate idea of what is beautiful is nothing but a lie and a marketing scheme. If you want to be a vacuous, vain and 96 pound wannabe starlet, do it, but do it because you want to, not because some company tells you to. The people I feel sorry for is the kids growing up with this. It's always been there, but when I see a couple of sixteen year olds talking about breast implants, it's time for something to be done. It has gotten to the point now where I find the corporate idea of beauty repulsive. For lack of a better word, it's the "flaws" that make people beautiful. Plastic people are meant for Lego, not for life. Don't get me wrong, if you want to mutilate yourself, by all means do so, but do it because you want to. I'm not one to tell anyone not to do do anything, but do your research before committing to anything that is going to be very hard to undo. This is coming from the guy who has more ink in him than the Bic pen company produced in 1986. I'm wearing these forever, and I don't regret any of them because I spent the time necessary to make sure I would be happy with them for a long time. They all carry memories for me, some good, and some not so good, but they are part of me and remind me of the stuff I need to remember. Think about what you are about to do before you get a disease injected into your face.
I have to stop watching so much TV. I should just turn on the news so I can have a laugh at commander coo-coo bananas before I sign off for the night.
"If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day."
John A. Wheeler

I think it was about 10 years ago or so that I remember the word "Geek" changed in meaning. When I was a kid, geek was one of the worst things you could be called on the playground. It was up there with Nerd, Dweeb or Spas. I think I may have just dated myself with a couple of those. So be it, on with the point. It was one of those fighting words that was guaranteed to start a scrap after British Bulldog. Then, without warning, it was acceptable to be a geek. People wore it like a badge of honor. Everyone who could fix a computer was suddenly getting invited out to parties. Actors were going out and buying glasses so they could look more studious during interviews. Jokes about DOS were getting laughs by everyone, but like every other

I have to stop watching so much TV. I should just turn on the news so I can have a laugh at commander coo-coo bananas before I sign off for the night.
"If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day."
John A. Wheeler
I need energon cubes!!!!!!!!!
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