Have you Creamed your Skinny Pig Today?
What do you do when you write a Blog that is mostly concentrated on bitching about the woes of society and life, but nothing is coming to you? Most normal people would lay down the pen/keyboard/laptop and walk away to think about what to write, and then some of us just forge on with no apparent regard for inspiration and just write something anyways. I've found that forced writing sometimes spawns the best writing. It's about having your back up against the wall and having to keep pushing anyways. It could be that will power thing I'm always talking about, or maybe just stubbornness.
The most self damaging thing to an early thirties male (and female for that matter) may be boredom. I usually don't get bored, but I do get "creative", for lack of a better word. After I've watched all the TV I can stand, filled my limit of reading, and played all the video games I can take, my mind usually starts wandering and contemplating some new project to undertake. Thus, I have a half rebuilt Motorcycle in my garage, three or four plans for another Arcade cabinet, and a mostly complete entertainment area. The entertainment area was the latest addition to the creative streak. The worst part about these experiments is the money which is never thought of when the project is started. I think I'm going to blame the 360 for this latest mess. Without dragging out the details of the whole project, I now have 3 game consoles, a DVD player and 2 computers hooked into to my entertainment center in my living room. Doh. Snowflake kind of became blizzard with that one, but damn, it sure looks sexy. The coolest thing about the whole setup is my new remote control. And here the geek in me comes out.
It's nice to see that someone has finally got the remote control thing right. There is no greater eyesore than looking down on your coffee table and seeing 632 remotes
sitting there. I've tried the universal thing in the past, and all of the ones I have bought have almost worked. There is always some function that you need the original for. Some elusive button, which you never used when you had all the remotes out, but as soon as they end up in some dark cupboard, you need to access the function associated to that button, and by this time all the batteries are dead. At least that was always the case with my adventures. This new one I picked up has got it right. For the first time in my life I'm able to put all of the remotes in storage and use this single one. The final straw with this one was on the last poker night. CG wanted to watch something on my TV. I was busy explaining that she had to use the black one to turn on the TV and switch channels, but first she had to find the gray panasonic one with the blue button on it, and press the TV/Video button 6 times in order to get it to the right input, then she could watch TV when I realized how preposterous it was. 200 bones later, I had the solution in my hands. I know, that's a lot of cash for a friggin remote, but it works well, and if you press the right button it glows green. What else could a growing boy want?
I'm off to get some Vietnamese food now. Point of info, don't try to get Japanese food on Sundays in Kitchener/Waterloo. I tried 3 restaurants and they were all closed. You think with the population in this are we could at least have one good Japanese restaurant open on a Sunday in this town. Enough. That's a different entry entirely. Dinner time.
Two Quotes Today...I couldn't decide which I liked more. They're short, so it's almost like one.
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist."
Indira Gandhi
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
Pablo Picasso

The most self damaging thing to an early thirties male (and female for that matter) may be boredom. I usually don't get bored, but I do get "creative", for lack of a better word. After I've watched all the TV I can stand, filled my limit of reading, and played all the video games I can take, my mind usually starts wandering and contemplating some new project to undertake. Thus, I have a half rebuilt Motorcycle in my garage, three or four plans for another Arcade cabinet, and a mostly complete entertainment area. The entertainment area was the latest addition to the creative streak. The worst part about these experiments is the money which is never thought of when the project is started. I think I'm going to blame the 360 for this latest mess. Without dragging out the details of the whole project, I now have 3 game consoles, a DVD player and 2 computers hooked into to my entertainment center in my living room. Doh. Snowflake kind of became blizzard with that one, but damn, it sure looks sexy. The coolest thing about the whole setup is my new remote control. And here the geek in me comes out.
It's nice to see that someone has finally got the remote control thing right. There is no greater eyesore than looking down on your coffee table and seeing 632 remotes

I'm off to get some Vietnamese food now. Point of info, don't try to get Japanese food on Sundays in Kitchener/Waterloo. I tried 3 restaurants and they were all closed. You think with the population in this are we could at least have one good Japanese restaurant open on a Sunday in this town. Enough. That's a different entry entirely. Dinner time.
Two Quotes Today...I couldn't decide which I liked more. They're short, so it's almost like one.
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist."
Indira Gandhi
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
Pablo Picasso
I too have money-sink technology problems. :)
I think I may have to amend my comment that the hidden money aspect of the project is the worst part. It isn't any longer. After the dremel/case experiment my vote is now going towards a split win between loss of time, and cleaning the big black paint/steel mess out of my basement carpet.
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