Thursday, January 12, 2006

Do you even have a soul? Goodbye Hooker Lady.

Before I get into this one, the title has absolutely nothing to do with this entry. It's just sort of there. Like male nipples.

At some point in your life you will encounter a major crossroad. Perhaps many times. Most of the time there is one path in front of you where you know the outcome, which is usually the stable and predictable one, and one which leads to either the complete unknown, or the desired but unsure path. If you stick to the stable path, your life will be for the most part predictable and in relative control. For some people this is fine. For most, it is not. Knowing when to walk the other path is the difficult part. I don't know the answer to this one. I don't think it's possible to know when the right time is to walk into the unknown. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and go for it. Be warned, you will not always get what you want. I would love to say that every time you stick your neck out it will be worth it, but inevitably sometimes you will get cut, but with every new cut, you learn. Take it for what it is, get back on the path, and wait for the next scenic route.

I have done many things in my life up to this point. I will do many more in the years to come. Sometimes I've done things just for the sake of doing them, other times to get to a point where I want to be, and at other times for my own selfish reasons. I admit that openly. I am not proud of all the things that I have done, but I do not regret a single choice I have made. There have been times where people don't believe some of the things I have done because I'm usually not afraid to take path less traveled. It usually takes a few times of hanging out with me before people start to actually believe some of the stuff I've done. I'm not writing this to sound egotistical, or to come off sounding like I have some megalomaniac personality, but to tell everyone that even though the unknown path can be scary and unpredictable, you can experience some amazing things. Worst case basis you will never be accused of having lived a boring life.

So, what's up with the retrospective entry about choice? If you read the entry before this one, it really doesn't matter, but I'm not going down that path tonight. I think the whole entry about choices is coming out because I feel that I'm on the verge of looking for a scenic route. Sometimes the path is just a small loop before the road stabilizes again, and at other times, it creates a while new path to follow. I don't really know which this is, but I can feel change coming. I don't believe in any kind of precognitive abilities in anyone, but I do think we can feel when change is necessary.

I think, for better or for worse, I will force a scenic route to appear, and here comes the word of the day. Brinkmanship. This is a term I learned fairly recently and have come to really like. It's defined as the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the limit of safety especially to force a desired outcome. Often times it's a very risky maneuver, but if you don't have a lot of patience, it can be a life saver. I have been accused of not having a lot of patience in certain situations, and I do agree with that assessment, thus I have been known to try to force an outcome before it's necessarily ready. If it exists, I would have a very, very hard time in limbo.

The next entry could be an interesting one. Since I feel a new path coming up, it could make for some interesting writing. Here's to hoping the outcome is what I want. Or rather than what I want, what I need. Often times they are very different.

On a completely different subject, I found a 360. Amazing little toy. Consumes way too much of my spare time though. I'm not bored of it yet, which is always a good sign.


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