Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Lei's, Harpoon Tang and the Little Man in the Boat.

As we get closer to Xmas every day I'm realizing how much more foul everyone is getting, myself included. It's interesting that as we near one of the "happiest" days of the year people get pissier and pissier. I don't know if it's because of stress, or just general dis-contentedness, but things are definitely getting nastier, and I think that's one of the premises of this entry. I have no real reason to be in a foul mood, but nonetheless I've been in one for most of this week, and today seems to be the pinnacle of the experience. And I'm aware that the title has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this entry. Much like the price of kumquats in Zimbabwe. What?

I don't think I was at work for more than 3 minutes before I was getting gang-banged by people. Apparently the entire network went down 5 minutes before I got in this morning. As I mentioned in a past entry, I am not a graceful waker in the morning. Most mornings when I get in the office I'm still mostly asleep. So, I got a bunch of people around me trying to get an answer about what happened, and I'm still pretty much extracting my head from my pillow. Always a good thing right away in the morning. I'm not going to go on about what happened, and to make a long story short, someone plugged in something to my network that they shouldn't have. Three hours later we had everything working again. By the way, when I catch the person who did plug in the mystery device, someone's going to have to come bail me out because I'm breaking some fingers.

The day was moving along ok, other than missing one of the paid lunches of the year because I was too busy chasing a ghost out of the machine, when the reality dawned on me. I had to do some Xmas shopping tonight. If there is one thing that I really, really loathe, it's Xmas shopping. I went over the details of why in the last entry, but you can't very well boycott buying gifts, as much as I would love too. The silver lining I suppose is thanks to a separation/divorce there are much less gifts to buy this year. Not much of a silver lining, but I suppose it's one. I'm looking for anything good about Xmas this year. I'm determined to find something this year damnit.

I get home after work, made a very sparse dinner and busied myself by trying to make excuses of why I couldn't go Xmas shopping tonight. I ended up thinking myself into a nap instead. I woke up around eight and got motoring to join all the sheep. It amazes me that to pick up one gift, from a store less than ten minutes from my house took over an hour. Bitterman needs a theme I think. I'm open for suggestions folks. After finishing up most of my shopping I ended up back at my house and played guitar for a couple of hours before deciding to write up an entry. I was invited out to a card game tonight, but after shopping, I didn't think I was in the right mindset to play cards. Found out that Rome won from Cute Grrl anyways, so good for him. He's been down for a while, so he needed to win. One last thing to mention. Angry road ragin Moloquin is back this Xmas. He's swearing and cursing and throwing single finger salutes at anyone and everyone doing anything stupid on the road. He's fun.

I don't think I came up with any conclusion for the pissy mood in this entry...other than just good ole Xmas blahs. Maybe next year I'll boycott it. Or, how about this for an idea. Take all the $$$ you would spend on everybody else and buy something for yourself. Hello Xbox 360. Sounds pretty self absorbed and greedy, but if we all bought something we truly wanted for ourselves, it would probably make everyone feel a lot better. Then we would just buy gifts for people when we genuinely wanted to. See the trend here? Everyone would be happier, we'd get what we want, people would get gifts when they deserved them, and all the mass marketing assholes would go under. I don't see the bad side here people.

I have to go see "The Ringer". It has to be one of the most offensive idea's ever written, and looks like it will be unbelievably hilarious, for people of no morales at least. I'm so glad I fall into that category when it comes to entertainment. Funny is funny period. Screw political correctness.

Looks like I deviated from whatever the thought process was behind this entry. I'm not even too sure what the point was. Damnit. I knew I had one when I started. Crap. I dunno. Let's say the point is avoid anything that starts with the line “Christmas Lei's, Harpoon Tang and the Little Man in the Boat.” Sorry for the meaningless entry folks. Can't hit gold everytime.


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