Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How to Annoy Everyone with Inane Conversation

To make up for today's short entry I decided to leave everyone with a few stupid ideas to talk about next time you are either a) drunk, and in the right company or b) hurting for conversation and wrapped up in uncomfortable silence. I should state that I neither believe nor endorse any of the ideas that may come up from using following ideas for conversation. Any of this shit that may come back to haunt me will be strongly denied in the future in the right situations.

When you are asleep and dreaming, are your dreams just in your head or is your (interject whatever term you are comfortable with such as spirit, chi, psychic energy) astral voyaging and experiencing things at another dimensional level, and are you actually interacting with other peoples voyages?

The 3 wishes thing from the past entry called "The chase is always better than the catch" from Nov 30/05.

Is the wanting to be with someone in a relationship, a) a conditioned response to what is expected of us by our peers b) one of the most elaborate marketing schemes c) a genuine need for companionship d) a biological level response ingrained for breeding or e) something to do because you are bored. The second part of this would be, if you are not in a relationship, is it possible to feel as complete by yourself as with someone else?

Can communism survive and prosper given the right situation, and lack of power corruption that is the perpetual failing of the idea?

Can democracy work at the level that we expect it to, if the removal of the corruption in the system could take place?

Monogamy or Polygamy?

Should drugs be legalized, and to what degree (what drugs, private or government control, etc.)?

What can we do to fix the education system in whatever country you live in, and how would you try to accomplish it?

How do you think your life would have turned out if you married the person you lost your virginity too?

Is god a) an omnipotent benevolent power b) a scientist c) a practical joker or d) non-existent?

Was Edgar Allen Poe right when he said that we are currently living in hell and waiting for the next round so we can go back to life and try to get into heaven again?

Was (interject which ever one you want) war necessary?

Where was the most interesting place that you have ever had sex, and have you ever been caught doing it? How did you react and what did you do to talk your way out of it?

If time travel was possible, where would you go and what would you do? Secondly, what effect would whatever you did have on the world?

You are allowed to host a dinner with three guests along with yourself and/or your significant other. The three guests can be from any time period and can be alive or dead. You cannot invite fictional characters. Who would they be?

If you could change any one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I have a whole bunch more, and they may appear in a later entry if I can't come up with a topic, feel like apologizing for a lackluster entry, or if I feel like it. Be careful with some of them. The religion and political ones can cause some pretty heated conversations that, if in the wrong surroundings, can go south really quick. These are two of the three topics that can cause a fight to break out in the wrong company. Any of the ones relating to sex can cause some surprising results if you and whoever you are talking to are drunk...as well, they can silence a complete group of people if in the wrong company. Use them at your own discretion, but please share any of the interesting results.


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