It's all over but the Crying and Ham is not the same as Heroin
The end of another Xmas season is upon us, and for one, all I can say is thank the deity that you currently worship. Not that it was a bad Xmas, as far as Xmas's go, but it's one more out of the way, and life can return to normal. As much as I appreciate the few days off of work I get every year, it would be a lot better without all the xmas BS. Enough from Bitterman for today (he still needs a theme by the way...Dream Weaver?). Onward to better things.
Since the season is over and I've packed on the holiday weight, it's time for some motivation. I'm sitting in my living room this boxing day writing a Blog entry with Supersize Me playing in the background. If you have not seen this film, make it a priority. This has to be one of the rare movies that really spoke to me. After watching it the first time, I swore off of all fast food and junk food. It's actually a very humorous film, with a very serious point, and I figure this would kick me back into the mindset to ditch the few pounds I've put on over the past few days. We'll see, I still have a chunk of birthday cake in the fridge to eat. The sick part is, since it's near the beginning of the film, I'm now craving fast food. What a twisted thought process...Or I'm just getting hungry. Good, just got to the scene where Morgan Spurlock eats the first supersized meal and yakks. Don't want fast food anymore.
Another Birthday gone. Woot Woot. That's the thing about birthdays, and I always heard this growing up but never believed it then, but it's true. Birthdays don't mean shit when you get older. I don't know when the change happens, but it does to everyone. I think it hit me around 20 or so. Now that I am substantially older that 20, it means even less. Only pisser this year is I wasn't able to locate a 360. That was to be my Xmas/Bday gift for myself, but I'm not going to pay the ebay pricing and get gouged for it. It's just a game console and I can wait (hopefully) until the stock starts picking up in the stores. It's like any new toy on the market. I end up hyping over getting one, finally give in to my addiction and buy one, play it for a little while, then get bored of it and find something else to fixate on. As I write this I'm looking at the PSP that is sitting on the end table beside me. Very cool little toy, but I've barely used it. I figured out all the exploits and now it's boring. It's more about what else you can do with the consoles, at least for me. Need something else to do with it to rejuvenate the interest. More PSP Pr0n maybe.
This is going to be a short entry. The movie in the background is distracting me too much and I'm not concentrating on what I'm writing. Counting down the days until the New Year's Eve Eve party. I'm sure that one is going to be a 3 day hangover kind of party.
The end of another Xmas season is upon us, and for one, all I can say is thank the deity that you currently worship. Not that it was a bad Xmas, as far as Xmas's go, but it's one more out of the way, and life can return to normal. As much as I appreciate the few days off of work I get every year, it would be a lot better without all the xmas BS. Enough from Bitterman for today (he still needs a theme by the way...Dream Weaver?). Onward to better things.
Since the season is over and I've packed on the holiday weight, it's time for some motivation. I'm sitting in my living room this boxing day writing a Blog entry with Supersize Me playing in the background. If you have not seen this film, make it a priority. This has to be one of the rare movies that really spoke to me. After watching it the first time, I swore off of all fast food and junk food. It's actually a very humorous film, with a very serious point, and I figure this would kick me back into the mindset to ditch the few pounds I've put on over the past few days. We'll see, I still have a chunk of birthday cake in the fridge to eat. The sick part is, since it's near the beginning of the film, I'm now craving fast food. What a twisted thought process...Or I'm just getting hungry. Good, just got to the scene where Morgan Spurlock eats the first supersized meal and yakks. Don't want fast food anymore.
Another Birthday gone. Woot Woot. That's the thing about birthdays, and I always heard this growing up but never believed it then, but it's true. Birthdays don't mean shit when you get older. I don't know when the change happens, but it does to everyone. I think it hit me around 20 or so. Now that I am substantially older that 20, it means even less. Only pisser this year is I wasn't able to locate a 360. That was to be my Xmas/Bday gift for myself, but I'm not going to pay the ebay pricing and get gouged for it. It's just a game console and I can wait (hopefully) until the stock starts picking up in the stores. It's like any new toy on the market. I end up hyping over getting one, finally give in to my addiction and buy one, play it for a little while, then get bored of it and find something else to fixate on. As I write this I'm looking at the PSP that is sitting on the end table beside me. Very cool little toy, but I've barely used it. I figured out all the exploits and now it's boring. It's more about what else you can do with the consoles, at least for me. Need something else to do with it to rejuvenate the interest. More PSP Pr0n maybe.
This is going to be a short entry. The movie in the background is distracting me too much and I'm not concentrating on what I'm writing. Counting down the days until the New Year's Eve Eve party. I'm sure that one is going to be a 3 day hangover kind of party.
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