Revenge of the Nutbucket, or Oops, I Did it Again! Your Choice.
Only I would have the audacity to quote Brittany Spears in a blog title. Not that I like her, or can even stand her (put her, Michael Bolton, the entire cast of "Cats", better yet Andrew Lloyd Weber himself in a plane, and I have a package for under the seat...too soon?), but I think I'm just about ballsy enough to try to pull it off. It's the whole "No Modesty" part of my personality. Some people would call it a lack of filter, I call it honesty. Enough of the ego stroke, onto the main event.
Spears reference has to do with a earlier entry. I have always been adamant about maintaining anonymity on my blog, to protect the innocent as well as the guilty, and it may have saved my skin today. I have mentioned previously that my blog has been picking up viewers as time goes on, but had no idea how far it had gone until I received an email from a friend/co-worker. To make a short story shorter, he emailed me for the web link to my blog, because he had lost it, and the CEO of the company I work for was sharing the nutbucket story with him(see Nutbuckets, Snow, Christmas Trees, and a Bunch of Other $hit in the December 2005 archive if you are interested). I think I turned to Newtieman (who also happens to work for the same company as I do) and the only thing that could come out of my mouth was "Dude...Dude...DUDE!!!". I had a very brief apoplectic fit, then started to calm down. It's interesting what goes through your mind at a time like that. I was automatically thinking, "What did I write in there that could get me in shit?", but if he already read the nutbucket entry, I thought I was in the clear. Briefly after this process I then learned that it had started making the rounds on the Blackberries (We LOVE the blackberries where I work. If you look close you can see the umbilical cord attaching them to everyone's temple). Everyone hopes for fame and notoriety, I don't give a shit if you say you don't, admit it, we all do, but not like this. After learning of the latest news I'm instantly doing Kevin Bacon math in my head. If said CEO sends it out to person A, then person A will send it on to person C, who will back send it to B, who will try to see the humor in it, but, without working for the company they have no idea what a nutbucket is, etc, etc, etc. I'm following the trail to where it's going to end, an how much digging I'm going to have to do to find my way out of the hole, when for a brief moment my brain kicks back into gear and a little tiny voice from the back of my head says "shuddup, remember, you don't give a shit." Ahhh. That's better. For a brief moment I remembered what it was like to have a filter. Little scampering feet running around on my brain. Can't say I like it.
After all is said and done, I'm not going to apologize or worry about what I write. It's just me being me, and how glorious it is to be me. I just can't seem to get out of the ego boosting mode today. Anywho, the point of this blog, and many others I'm sure, is for therapy. Almost like a diary or a journal, but for the exhibitionist. I have been known to have a slight exhibitionism streak in me, so why not expose my thoughts to the outside world. All I can hope for is people see the humor in what I'm writing and don't take it too seriously. Most of the time if I have a moral or idea that is supposed to be
taken seriously I point it out profusely. I guess the point of this one would be, don't be ashamed, embarrassed, or worried about whom you are. Not everyone is as forward as me (except maybe CG), and that's fine, but don't hide yourself away from the world because you are to nervous about what people may think. You know what, Fuckem. They don't mean shit in the long run. If you live your life to the fullest and have fun getting there, that's all that matters. BTW, don't act like Corky at work...It may be misinterpreted.
I found a quote a couple of days ago, and have been itching to use it, so here you go.
"A chess genius is a human being who focuses vast, little-understood mental gifts and labors on an ultimately trivial human enterprise."
George Steiner
Only I would have the audacity to quote Brittany Spears in a blog title. Not that I like her, or can even stand her (put her, Michael Bolton, the entire cast of "Cats", better yet Andrew Lloyd Weber himself in a plane, and I have a package for under the seat...too soon?), but I think I'm just about ballsy enough to try to pull it off. It's the whole "No Modesty" part of my personality. Some people would call it a lack of filter, I call it honesty. Enough of the ego stroke, onto the main event.

After all is said and done, I'm not going to apologize or worry about what I write. It's just me being me, and how glorious it is to be me. I just can't seem to get out of the ego boosting mode today. Anywho, the point of this blog, and many others I'm sure, is for therapy. Almost like a diary or a journal, but for the exhibitionist. I have been known to have a slight exhibitionism streak in me, so why not expose my thoughts to the outside world. All I can hope for is people see the humor in what I'm writing and don't take it too seriously. Most of the time if I have a moral or idea that is supposed to be

I found a quote a couple of days ago, and have been itching to use it, so here you go.
"A chess genius is a human being who focuses vast, little-understood mental gifts and labors on an ultimately trivial human enterprise."
George Steiner
I wrote a comment and then blogger shit the bed.
Anyways, I was commenting on how there is never a mention of the chocolates which accompany the peanuts in the nutbucket. What the heck? Peanuts without chocolate just isn't right. I once ate an entire bag of minature peanut butter cups.
My ideal birthday cake would be a giant peanut butter cup ice cream cake with extra peanut butter cups on top. Some should pass that info along to someone who might be in the position to get/bake me a cake for the birthday of mine that is coming up. Not that i'm begging.
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