Who Wants to Kiss my Blarney Stones?
Innuendo man strikes again. Contrary to what many of you may be thinking,
this entry will not be about sex. I think I killed that topic in the last entry, so instead I'm going to sit here, smoke a cigar and write an entry which will be nothing more than a venting session. Most of my entries involve me bitching about something, but I usually stick to a common thread. I think I may jump around a bit this time. A collection of small bitches all rolled up into one like some bitter maki. And that statement tells everyone I have been eating way too much Japanese food lately. I can't help it. I've been busy getting all my friends addicted to it so I have an excuse to eat sushi, sashimi and maki three times a week. Here's to hoping that brain food thing is true.
It may be just me, but television seems to be getting worse and worse with every week that goes by. Sure, 70's TV wasn't great, what I can remember of the late 80's and early 90's doesn't strike me as being that memorable either, but I think the television stations have sunk to a new low. There are a couple of shows running right now that my friends have brought up, and I can honestly say I haven't seen, or have any interest in seeing them. For the most part I don't watch anything on the major network channels (except Simpsons re-runs). Almost everything I do watch is on specialty channels, with Discovery dominating my watching time. That being said, I was watching some Simpsons re-runs today and caught a commercial for a show called "Skating with Celebrities". Who the hell is thinking this shit up, and secondly, who the hell is watching this shit? I can appreciate the whole voyeuristic angle that these shows are going for, but any voyeurism I'm hoping to see involves some nudity at least. I can't remember the last series I was so into that I didn't want to miss an episode. I'll stick to programs that involve some kind of learning, or a chance of nudity thanks...
CG and I were out for sushi earlier this week when an interesting topic came up over dinner. We usually have very good conversations, or very strange ones, all of which are exceedingly enjoyable, but the topic which came up was the idea that some people need to be with someone. It's an interesting idea, and it is plausible. We all know people who are miserable unless they are in some kind of relationship. What I started thinking about is am I one of these? I have rarely spent a lot of time without some significant other. There are only two times in my life that I can remember being alone for an extended period of time. When I was much younger, I took a voluntary two year celibacy vow. I was at a really strange time in my life, and needed to get myself straightened out. Call it a journey of self discovery if it needs a name, but I still feel that it was necessary. I'd recommend it to anyone. It's all about will power. I'm a big believer in having a very strong will. If you have the will power to stop doing anything at a moments notice, life becomes much better and easier when you do need to curb any nasty habits. The other time when I have been single for an extended period is now. Other than my celibacy kick, this is the longest time I have been single since I was about 15 or so. I don't know if this is a voluntary jaunt into singledom or not. I do know I haven't been looking too hard, but at the same time, I don't think I'd stop anything from happening if it was to occur. I think I'm at the point where I'm not sure. I've thrown away all my baggage and I'm not a miserable person in the slightest. I'm pretty content most of the time. Maybe my sub-conscious
is telling me something. Let's just leave it at that. Maybe people who feel that they need a Significant Other feel that way because they aren't really happy with themselves? Maybe I used to be one of those kind of people, but not any more. Then again, some of my friends were worried I may become a hermit after all the unpleasantness. I think now I may be looking for a relationship that will add to my general sense of well being, rather than being the source of my well being. Keanu Reeves moment coming up...Whoa. Deep.
I was out at the local grocery store a couple of days ago picking up dinner on one of my non Japanese food nights and noticed a new store that moved in next door. It's a discount furniture shop. There are tonnes of these all over the city, but this one struck me as odd. Not for the inventory inside, or even the sales people, but for the name the owner chose. And there, lit up for as far as the eye can see, in white arial text on a blue background was the name that I will remember as long as I live. Get ready for this folks, it's a doozy, or at least to me it is. The name of the store is "Walia-Mart". Even as I write it down I'm giggling like a school girl. Not only is it blatantly ripping off an existing chain, but they have picked the worst chain in the world to rip off. Why would anyone choose to name their store after hell itself? Just my opinion...and Trey Parker and Matt Stones as well I suppose.
I'm going to lift the quote for today right off of the quote of the day on my google home page. I like it. It doesn't have anything to do with the entry, but has a good point behind it.
"Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice."
George Jackson
Innuendo man strikes again. Contrary to what many of you may be thinking,

It may be just me, but television seems to be getting worse and worse with every week that goes by. Sure, 70's TV wasn't great, what I can remember of the late 80's and early 90's doesn't strike me as being that memorable either, but I think the television stations have sunk to a new low. There are a couple of shows running right now that my friends have brought up, and I can honestly say I haven't seen, or have any interest in seeing them. For the most part I don't watch anything on the major network channels (except Simpsons re-runs). Almost everything I do watch is on specialty channels, with Discovery dominating my watching time. That being said, I was watching some Simpsons re-runs today and caught a commercial for a show called "Skating with Celebrities". Who the hell is thinking this shit up, and secondly, who the hell is watching this shit? I can appreciate the whole voyeuristic angle that these shows are going for, but any voyeurism I'm hoping to see involves some nudity at least. I can't remember the last series I was so into that I didn't want to miss an episode. I'll stick to programs that involve some kind of learning, or a chance of nudity thanks...
CG and I were out for sushi earlier this week when an interesting topic came up over dinner. We usually have very good conversations, or very strange ones, all of which are exceedingly enjoyable, but the topic which came up was the idea that some people need to be with someone. It's an interesting idea, and it is plausible. We all know people who are miserable unless they are in some kind of relationship. What I started thinking about is am I one of these? I have rarely spent a lot of time without some significant other. There are only two times in my life that I can remember being alone for an extended period of time. When I was much younger, I took a voluntary two year celibacy vow. I was at a really strange time in my life, and needed to get myself straightened out. Call it a journey of self discovery if it needs a name, but I still feel that it was necessary. I'd recommend it to anyone. It's all about will power. I'm a big believer in having a very strong will. If you have the will power to stop doing anything at a moments notice, life becomes much better and easier when you do need to curb any nasty habits. The other time when I have been single for an extended period is now. Other than my celibacy kick, this is the longest time I have been single since I was about 15 or so. I don't know if this is a voluntary jaunt into singledom or not. I do know I haven't been looking too hard, but at the same time, I don't think I'd stop anything from happening if it was to occur. I think I'm at the point where I'm not sure. I've thrown away all my baggage and I'm not a miserable person in the slightest. I'm pretty content most of the time. Maybe my sub-conscious

I was out at the local grocery store a couple of days ago picking up dinner on one of my non Japanese food nights and noticed a new store that moved in next door. It's a discount furniture shop. There are tonnes of these all over the city, but this one struck me as odd. Not for the inventory inside, or even the sales people, but for the name the owner chose. And there, lit up for as far as the eye can see, in white arial text on a blue background was the name that I will remember as long as I live. Get ready for this folks, it's a doozy, or at least to me it is. The name of the store is "Walia-Mart". Even as I write it down I'm giggling like a school girl. Not only is it blatantly ripping off an existing chain, but they have picked the worst chain in the world to rip off. Why would anyone choose to name their store after hell itself? Just my opinion...and Trey Parker and Matt Stones as well I suppose.
I'm going to lift the quote for today right off of the quote of the day on my google home page. I like it. It doesn't have anything to do with the entry, but has a good point behind it.
"Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice."
George Jackson
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