This must be Sunday. I never could get the hang of Sundays.
Sundays have always been the day for getting out of bed in the afternoon some time, sitting in your most comfortable clothes, and spending as much time on your couch as humanly possible. Besides the religious implications of the day of rest, I think the relevance of taking Sundays as easy as possible is in preparation for the next week of work being absolutely draining. The side effect of sitting around and doing nothing all day on Sunday is it gives most people a chance to reflect. I have a habit of reflecting on aspects of my new life on Sundays. After I've watched all of the movies, TV, and played all the video games I can before my brain objects to being neglected, I usually turn to what has happened through the week. One of the interesting things that has come out of this Sunday is the affirmation that time scales are absolutely useless in how life rolls along. It is impossible to have any kind of time scale dictating what is supposed to happen at certain stages in your life.
A couple of my male friends are going in to get the snip done. Both of them are content with the amount of children that they have, and are secure that they will never want anymore. Both of these fellows are approximately my age, give or take a couple of years. How crazy is it that I can have a conversation with these guys about them going in to get their vasectomies done, and I'm bitching about being single? Huh? All of our lives are fairly similar. All of us are in the business world, middle management, and at the point where we are living fairly comfortably (meaning we aren't living entirely payday to payday, but not to say it doesn't happen occasionally). We all come from standard working class families, and yet my life is completely different from theirs. I think that in itself debunks the idea that at thirty something you have to have 2 and a half kids, yellow dog, and bar-b-que's with your neighbors on the weekend. I don't, or at least I hope, that people still don't think that way anymore. I think the proof is in the pudding. Here in Canada we have a 38% divorce rate and climbing every year, and our southern neighbors have an almost 50% divorce rate. How can there be a time line for people's lives anymore with these kind of statistics. Trust me, I never thought that I would be getting a divorce, but there it is. I'm a statistic, damnit.
Another topic came up this week with some people was the topic of sex and age. Then again, when doesn't sex come up in conversation? If it doesn't, you aren't having the right conversations. But I digress, the thought process behind this one is, most people who get married for the first time are in their early to mid twenties. Most people (not all, but most), have no idea what sex is actually about, or even comfortable with it at that age. I'm not saying that people should go out and have sex with lots of different partners before they decide to settle down and get married, but people need to remain open minded enough to accept that things will change as you get older. I think the idea of a monogamous couple growing together
sexually is a wonderful idea, but is rarely practiced properly. There are way too many sociological dictated problems with this. There is an expected thought process behind the topic of sex. You don't talk about it, and it should be a private thing between couples. Even then, a lot of couples can't even talk about it openly. What a crock of shit. I have always thought that sex should be talked about openly and casually. I'm not talking about some strange thing that only a few people do. Everyone has sex, or at least it's something that everyone wants to be having. There is a horrible standard that is set down at an early age stating that sex is dirty and not something that should be talked about. How does that not damage people for their sexual lives later on? There is way too much embarrassment surrounding this subject, and I think one of my life's goals is to stop this. At least with the people I know. It's absolutely ridiculous that we are still acting like puritans in this day and age and that it is still considered embarrassing and uncomfortable to talk about these things, even with your significant other. I'm done. I'm starting to rant. Time to move on.
The problem with talking about sex, is your brain gets stuck in that mode. I had many more points to make about the idea that age and life have definite correlation points, but those have been lost to the ether. So be it, I'm sure they will come out in some later entry. Off to play more 360. My brain is contented for the time being...

A couple of my male friends are going in to get the snip done. Both of them are content with the amount of children that they have, and are secure that they will never want anymore. Both of these fellows are approximately my age, give or take a couple of years. How crazy is it that I can have a conversation with these guys about them going in to get their vasectomies done, and I'm bitching about being single? Huh? All of our lives are fairly similar. All of us are in the business world, middle management, and at the point where we are living fairly comfortably (meaning we aren't living entirely payday to payday, but not to say it doesn't happen occasionally). We all come from standard working class families, and yet my life is completely different from theirs. I think that in itself debunks the idea that at thirty something you have to have 2 and a half kids, yellow dog, and bar-b-que's with your neighbors on the weekend. I don't, or at least I hope, that people still don't think that way anymore. I think the proof is in the pudding. Here in Canada we have a 38% divorce rate and climbing every year, and our southern neighbors have an almost 50% divorce rate. How can there be a time line for people's lives anymore with these kind of statistics. Trust me, I never thought that I would be getting a divorce, but there it is. I'm a statistic, damnit.
Another topic came up this week with some people was the topic of sex and age. Then again, when doesn't sex come up in conversation? If it doesn't, you aren't having the right conversations. But I digress, the thought process behind this one is, most people who get married for the first time are in their early to mid twenties. Most people (not all, but most), have no idea what sex is actually about, or even comfortable with it at that age. I'm not saying that people should go out and have sex with lots of different partners before they decide to settle down and get married, but people need to remain open minded enough to accept that things will change as you get older. I think the idea of a monogamous couple growing together

The problem with talking about sex, is your brain gets stuck in that mode. I had many more points to make about the idea that age and life have definite correlation points, but those have been lost to the ether. So be it, I'm sure they will come out in some later entry. Off to play more 360. My brain is contented for the time being...
I'm going to agree that people are way to puritanical....and there's not a problem with that as long as they don't pass their judgements onto other people. Sadly - they do, and that's when you have to put the smack down.
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