All your Base are Belong to Moloquin.
Since my return to the primal version of myself, I have noticed some things have changed in how I act and think now compared to how I acted when I was EXPLETIVE DELETED. I've always been pretty spontaneous, to the degree of dangerous sometimes, but now, since there is nothing to hold me back, I keep getting desires to just do
things. Thank God some rationality steps in now and then or I'd really be in trouble. For example, I was headed into work a few mornings ago, the weather was nice, the sun was shining, you could see butterflies and rainbows in the air, everyone was smiling gaily as they drove to work, you could hear Kenny G and his soothing sax in the background, and I had a mad crazy urge to just keep driving until I got to somewhere south and found my spot on the Beach. The worst part was both the little devil guy and the little angel guy were both telling me the same thing. Keep going, it will all be good, just a little time on the beach, that isn't too much to ask is it? It was one of those last minute mad dashes across seven lanes of traffic to get to my exit and get to work. I hate guys like that, and here I was doing the same thing. Damn responsibility. Always stepping in and making me do the right thing.
Maybe that's why I keep postponing my vacation down south. I'm secretly afraid I might not come back this time. Me and KablammaChunk starting up the crabbin/shrimpin business we've been talking about for years. We usually only chat about it after a drink or ten, but you never know, stranger things have been known to happen. It has now become a running joke that we're going to start up a crabbing boat and live off of the sea. It would be like BubbaGump Shrimp, only it would be called MoloChunk, and there wouldn't be anyone missing any legs on the boat, although there would be two "Speshul" guys on board. It’s all in the pursuit of fun and science. I wonder if they ever made a movie like Alive, but out on a boat. That may be required viewing before I give this any more thought.
Another thing which has seemed to have changed is my ability to control cravings, desires, whatever you want to call them. I don't know if it's since the end of the whole mess, or since I quit smoking, but the craving cycle has gone crazy. Before it was a gentle tapping at the back of my head, whispering things that I wanted, but I was always able to shoe them away and press on. I think the quitting smoking proved that, but lately it hasn't been just a little whispering voice saying stuff, more of a screaming ten year old in the back seat of the car pulling on my hair and shrieking shit into my ears. I don't know about you, but that pretty much drives me straight to the grocery store at three in the morning to get that can of redbull, or all the ingredients for a Caesar salad just so I can relax without the brat yelling at me anymore. The worst part is, once I've got whatever it was I was craving, I usually don't want it anymore. I end up making four pounds of Caesar salad that just rots in my fridge. What else do you need a crisper for anyways, other than for fermenting salad and making alcohol. I can just see the two ten years old sitting there chuckling and plotting at that one.
"What should we make him get next?"
"How about peanut butter, he hates that doesn't he?"
"Yup, that's a winner, let's do it"
The worst part is, I know what I'm craving, but I won't act upon it. No I'm not ready to reveal what it is yet, but I will tell you what it isn't. It's not cigarettes (I beat those bitches), and it's not peanut butter (I hate that shit). That leaves a whole bunch of things out there, but people who know me will know what I'm babbling about. This is one of the rare times when my filter, the poor, ratty, torn to shit thing that it is, will kick in. Certain things I won't even talk about. Unless you get me drunk. Then I'll tell you everything, including some shit that you didn't want to know. And some shit I didn't even know that I knew. And some shit I made up, because it sounded cool at the time.
I had to get this one in before the Blogger outage tonight. I didn't really think that I was going to write another one, but tell me I can't for this time period, and watch me try. Rebel without a clue.
"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."
George Bernard Shaw
Since my return to the primal version of myself, I have noticed some things have changed in how I act and think now compared to how I acted when I was EXPLETIVE DELETED. I've always been pretty spontaneous, to the degree of dangerous sometimes, but now, since there is nothing to hold me back, I keep getting desires to just do

Another thing which has seemed to have changed is my ability to control cravings, desires, whatever you want to call them. I don't know if it's since the end of the whole mess, or since I quit smoking, but the craving cycle has gone crazy. Before it was a gentle tapping at the back of my head, whispering things that I wanted, but I was always able to shoe them away and press on. I think the quitting smoking proved that, but lately it hasn't been just a little whispering voice saying stuff, more of a screaming ten year old in the back seat of the car pulling on my hair and shrieking shit into my ears. I don't know about you, but that pretty much drives me straight to the grocery store at three in the morning to get that can of redbull, or all the ingredients for a Caesar salad just so I can relax without the brat yelling at me anymore. The worst part is, once I've got whatever it was I was craving, I usually don't want it anymore. I end up making four pounds of Caesar salad that just rots in my fridge. What else do you need a crisper for anyways, other than for fermenting salad and making alcohol. I can just see the two ten years old sitting there chuckling and plotting at that one.
"What should we make him get next?"
"How about peanut butter, he hates that doesn't he?"
"Yup, that's a winner, let's do it"
The worst part is, I know what I'm craving, but I won't act upon it. No I'm not ready to reveal what it is yet, but I will tell you what it isn't. It's not cigarettes (I beat those bitches), and it's not peanut butter (I hate that shit). That leaves a whole bunch of things out there, but people who know me will know what I'm babbling about. This is one of the rare times when my filter, the poor, ratty, torn to shit thing that it is, will kick in. Certain things I won't even talk about. Unless you get me drunk. Then I'll tell you everything, including some shit that you didn't want to know. And some shit I didn't even know that I knew. And some shit I made up, because it sounded cool at the time.
I had to get this one in before the Blogger outage tonight. I didn't really think that I was going to write another one, but tell me I can't for this time period, and watch me try. Rebel without a clue.
"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."
George Bernard Shaw
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