Hypothetic Dog and Ponii?
I'm watching TV on this, one of the most gluttonous of Saturdays that I've had in a while, and I've noticed a new trend in the commercials. When I was growing up it seemed all the evils of the world were blamed on smoking. There was a new "how smoking will kill you" campaign running in between every show. Seeing that I was a smoker for fifteen years or so, they worked exceedingly well, and I can tell you it that they had no influence whatsoever on me quitting. Everyone, including all the smokers, knows that it is a bad habit. I question if they had an effect on anyone who quit, but I'm straying off of the topic here. The new evil of the world seems to be online gambling. Apparently it can make you stay up for days on end without sleep and be short tempered. It can also make you stay home on the weekend, and cause you to look like a wanker with a bad haircut. I had no idea that online gambling was responsible for all this, and if they weren't showing me the same commercial over and over and over again I'd never know. According to those symptoms, I guess I have an online gambling problem, only fault in all this is, I can't say I've ever gambled online in my life. I know that there are people who are addicted to gambling, but I don't think it's as far spread as what the cyclopean idiot box dictates. It's just more of the same game that they have been playing for years..."What is the addiction/problem of the week this week?"
It seems that every once in a while, something catches the sights of those who want to feel like they are making a difference and they go medieval on it. I've already mentioned the smoking thing, which at least is almost a noble cause, but I remember when certain music was evil and caused all the woes in the world. I can't remember the last time that anyone slaughtered 38 people because they were listening to Guns N Roses. I can see the logic behind slaughtering GNR for making so much shitty music,
but not taking out random people. When they came out, they were being blamed for all the problems in the world as well. That crusade lasted for a long time (sarcasm again), then Doom was the most evil thing to ever be invented. I can tell you, I played Doom for stretches of 14-16 hours when it came out, and I never chased anyone with a chainsaw because the magic pixels told me to. Give me a break people. Everyone needs to realize that if I am addicted to something, out killing people, or doing some other malevolent activity it's because my brain told me too. You can play the blame game all you want, but the reason that a person does something is because either a) they want to and were going to do it anyways without the influence of some outside stimuli, or b) they are screwed up in the head. As hard as it is to accept that your son or daughter has done something wrong, don't try to find a scapegoat, accept that they did it because they wanted too. I know it's harsh, but we all have to accept this. Don't ban my favorite movie/band/video game because your offspring is a fricken psycho, and don't pull it off the shelf because of some right wing wack-job who knows how to scream loud. I do believe in age restrictions, but all of us adults in the world can make our own decisions on what to do/listen to/watch. If you don't want to watch porn, turn the channel. If you don't want to play the violent video game, don't play it. It's as simple as that. We can't let a bunch of people who think they know what is good and evil dictate what we can do. As much as I hate some of the things that people believe are right, I'm not going to tell them to stop believing in it.
Whew. I'm done preaching now. I try not to go down this road too often, but every once in a while I have to let it out or I end up turning into some crazy dictator annoying everyone in the bar...
Why does Marcia Brady have a moustache?
"Who knows with commander coo-coo bananas in charge."
Homer Simpson
"Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at."
Jimmy Demaret

It seems that every once in a while, something catches the sights of those who want to feel like they are making a difference and they go medieval on it. I've already mentioned the smoking thing, which at least is almost a noble cause, but I remember when certain music was evil and caused all the woes in the world. I can't remember the last time that anyone slaughtered 38 people because they were listening to Guns N Roses. I can see the logic behind slaughtering GNR for making so much shitty music,

Whew. I'm done preaching now. I try not to go down this road too often, but every once in a while I have to let it out or I end up turning into some crazy dictator annoying everyone in the bar...
Why does Marcia Brady have a moustache?
"Who knows with commander coo-coo bananas in charge."
Homer Simpson
"Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at."
Jimmy Demaret
What always freaked me out was that GNR's "Use Your Illusion ! and II" were released on September 17th, 1991 - a week before Nirvan's "Nevermind" was released - on September 24th. I learned that from a book. It's really freaky when you think about it - the kind of thing that makes you go out and kill a bunch of people. What? Wait - prank call, prank call!!
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