Don't Forget the Taint...
I'm sitting here waiting for my laundry to finish up as the Coup de Gras of the weekend, so I figure I might as well write an entry. Sunday nights are the best catalyst for writing anyways. As is with most Sundays, sitting on the couch, doing nothing all day and recovering from the week previous is usually good for causing something to bubble up from the subconscious. The one thing that is complicating the process is the migraine that I've been keeping at bay for the day, but has since attacked my head at full force. Rather than fight the migraine and and try to come up with something original, I think I'm going to borrow an idea from K. He recently did entry about five things that have been bugging him, so I'm going to do the same. This isn't going to include stuff like world hunger, or any other global scale problem. Not that they don't bug me, but I don't want this one to turn into a social-political rant. I've done enough of that in the past. Here goes nuthin.
1) This is one that CG recently talked about on her blog (I know, I can't come up with anything original tonight) and never really thought about it until she brought it up. Thanks CG. It made it to the "things that bug me" list because I've been noticing it more and more. Why do people assume that because I am a single, early thirties male that I have no life and would gladly be available to work extra hours and do all other sorts of shit that married people with kids can't do. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem helping out my friends etc., but don't assume that I just sit at home during non-work hours patiently counting the minutes until I can go back to work, or I'm sitting there anxiously waiting for my phone to ring with someone on the other end asking me to do some completely unenjoyable thing, which leads me to my second point.
2) Getting phone calls from friends is cool. Getting phone calls from friends you haven't heard from in a long time is also cool. Getting a phone call from someone you haven't seen in almost a year under the cloak of calling you to see what's up but really calling you because they need a favor is not cool. If I haven't talked to someone in months, don't call me to ask me for something. Feel free to call me up and see if I want to go out a beer and catch up, but after that long, don't expect me to bend over backwards. As a matter of fact, most of the time, if I haven't talked to someone in a very long time, chances are I probably don't want to. I do have some friends that I don't talk to that often, but in turn, they don't call me needing a favor out of the blue either.
3) Ex wives. That's it.
4) People who assume that because I drive an expensive sports car I have vast amounts of disposable income. True, I have more than a married couple with kids, but when
you think about it, if I'm driving a Mercedes, where do you think my money is going? Don't make an assumption about me because of what you see. Assumptions are usually very wrong. I'm not even going to go into the details of what kind of financial burden occurs when you are getting divorced. Ask any divorced person. They'll tell you. By the way, I got the car before divorce was even on the horizon. I can tell you if I even seen that coming, I wouldn't be driving it.
5) Censorship. I think everything should be free and clear. I don't like a lot of the things that would get out there, but who am I to say that you can't watch/listen/read it. It's quite simple. If you find it objectionable, turn it off, leave the room, or put it down. End of problem. That's why I love the Internet. There are some really deplorable things out there, but generally, if you don't go out looking for it, you won't find it. Occasionally something will pop up, but just close the page and go somewhere else. And to pre-empt the inevitable "what about the children", that is your responsibility as a parent. If I had any kids, I'd educate them so they had enough brains to know what's right and what's wrong. I got into stuff I shouldn't have when I was a kid, but I was raised well enough to know what I was seeing/hearing/reading and not be damaged by it. Shit, piss, tits.
Time for bed. Work tomorrow and all that happy horseshit. No quote tonight. G'night all.

1) This is one that CG recently talked about on her blog (I know, I can't come up with anything original tonight) and never really thought about it until she brought it up. Thanks CG. It made it to the "things that bug me" list because I've been noticing it more and more. Why do people assume that because I am a single, early thirties male that I have no life and would gladly be available to work extra hours and do all other sorts of shit that married people with kids can't do. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem helping out my friends etc., but don't assume that I just sit at home during non-work hours patiently counting the minutes until I can go back to work, or I'm sitting there anxiously waiting for my phone to ring with someone on the other end asking me to do some completely unenjoyable thing, which leads me to my second point.
2) Getting phone calls from friends is cool. Getting phone calls from friends you haven't heard from in a long time is also cool. Getting a phone call from someone you haven't seen in almost a year under the cloak of calling you to see what's up but really calling you because they need a favor is not cool. If I haven't talked to someone in months, don't call me to ask me for something. Feel free to call me up and see if I want to go out a beer and catch up, but after that long, don't expect me to bend over backwards. As a matter of fact, most of the time, if I haven't talked to someone in a very long time, chances are I probably don't want to. I do have some friends that I don't talk to that often, but in turn, they don't call me needing a favor out of the blue either.
3) Ex wives. That's it.
4) People who assume that because I drive an expensive sports car I have vast amounts of disposable income. True, I have more than a married couple with kids, but when

5) Censorship. I think everything should be free and clear. I don't like a lot of the things that would get out there, but who am I to say that you can't watch/listen/read it. It's quite simple. If you find it objectionable, turn it off, leave the room, or put it down. End of problem. That's why I love the Internet. There are some really deplorable things out there, but generally, if you don't go out looking for it, you won't find it. Occasionally something will pop up, but just close the page and go somewhere else. And to pre-empt the inevitable "what about the children", that is your responsibility as a parent. If I had any kids, I'd educate them so they had enough brains to know what's right and what's wrong. I got into stuff I shouldn't have when I was a kid, but I was raised well enough to know what I was seeing/hearing/reading and not be damaged by it. Shit, piss, tits.
Time for bed. Work tomorrow and all that happy horseshit. No quote tonight. G'night all.
It's the no kids thing that really gets the people at work to think you have more unoccupied time.
I'm married and female and in my early thirties...but with NO kids...hence I should be available for odd shifts more than the next person.
Sigh. It IS a noticeable trend.
I thought children were out future.
Seriously though - the one thing I can't stand is the "wait until you have kids..." line. It's like the person you're talking to thinks they discovered being woken up at 3am by a crying baby or that they're the first one to be pissed on while changing a diaper. Funny enough - i've actually been pissed on while changing a diaper - but there were no babies involved.
Personally I think having kids is a great thing - i'm looking forward to it - because then i'll have my own army. Then when i'm in a bar, and I tell someone i'm going to kick there ass and they say "Yeah, you and what army?" then I can point to my kids and say "This army....what are you going to do, beat up little kids? You sick, sick fucker. Damn you are depraved." That'll show 'em.
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