The Eye's Have It.
First off, I know I haven't updated in a while, and the worst part is it isn't even for any real noble or good reason. I could play the "recovering from surgery card", but even that wouldn't play out for this long. The real reason is two-fold, one directly stemming from the other. I recently went out and bought Oblivion for the Xbox 360, and damn, that sucker can eat up time when you aren't looking. It's reminiscent of the first time I discovered Doom for my 486. I played that one so much I was seeing a floating gun in front of me in real life. Well, oblivion pretty much had the same effect. Normally I get hooked on a new game for about 2 or 3 days, then I'm bored and move on to whatever brainstorm I happen to have. This one, like doom, became all consuming. The official reason I haven't been updating is due to a damn video game. The second reason is, when you have a week off of work to heal, and you can't go anywhere because of afore mentioned healing, you find something to do to keep you occupied, and it became oblivion for this case. So, to sum up and not continue to blather on about something which isn't interesting for most of the world, I've been playing video games and not much else, thus a non-active life makes for nothing interesting to write about. Gah, that took about 10 sentences too many.
The other question I'm sure is going to come up is about the eye surgery. I regret to say that this entry is not going to be about that. There will be an upcoming entry though. Reason being is I'm waiting for the film to come out. Seriously. Obi and I shot a documentary based around the surgery, and I'm waiting for the raw version so I can post some of the highlights of the procedure. Don't worry, I'll put lots of warnings and disclaimers so people don't accidentally stumble upon a picture of my eye peeled open like a grape. Worst case basis, I can always sell the footage to a B-rate horror movie studio. The only things I will say is it was a complete success and I can see without glasses for the first time since Grade 6. The hemorrhages in my eyes are also starting to go away, and although I like scaring little kids, it also scares adults away when I take off the sunglasses.
After being that long winded of an intro, I suppose I should get down to the nitty gritty and actually write something that resembles a blog update. Let's talk about choice and personality re-programming. That sounds like fun.
Obi and I were chatting the other night about personality profiling, and if you can change your personality once you know what you are. For example, if you take a personality test and you discover your personality reflects that you are "thinking" type rather
than a "feeling" type, can you change that element of your personality so you can change your outcome in life? If all of this is completely alien to you, you can take a Myers-Briggs test for free to get some background on what I'm talking about. Just google for it or go "here". In true exhibitionist fashion (which is also the complete opposite of my profile) I am an INTP "link" or "link". I've taken the Myers-Briggs test many times over the years, and ever since grade eight it has always returned the same results. It also describes my personality perfectly.
Ok, kind of fell of the tracks there. Back onto the topic at hand. Both of us came to the same conclusion that you can change your personality type if you really want to, but it would involve a lot of hard work, and constant mental conditioning until you accepted the new reforms of your personality. Luckily for me, I'm very comfortable within my personality. That's not to say that I haven't risen to the occasion and changed bits when I need to. The one facet that I am constantly changing between is the "introvert" and the "extrovert". Growing up I was always introverted, and as much as I enjoy withdrawing from the world at times, I can also see the need to be part of it. Perfect example...It's hard to meet new people if you never leave your house.
Once you realize your personality type, it can be changed so you can become what you truly want to be, or, you can use it to determine if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. I've known for a very long time that I am not doing what I was truly meant to do. I do enjoy my job for the most part, and the challenges it puts in front of me, but it is not my passion, and all of the careers that I could be passionate about do fall into my personality type. Of course, I could just get bored of a new career and look for something new as time goes on. I just have to find a company that will pay me to play video games and watch pr0n.
Enough for tonight. Conan the Barbarian is on, and I haven't seen this film since I was a kid. Time to see if it's just as corny as I remember. Cya.
Oh, and congrats are in order for Alex and Laurie.
"The meek shall inherit the earth? Well... I don't think so. If by meek you mean friendly and introverted, okay maybe, but if by meek you mean unwilling to take a chance, then never. If I was a betting man and I had to wager on who I thought would inherit the earth, my money would be on the curious."
Jim Coudal

The other question I'm sure is going to come up is about the eye surgery. I regret to say that this entry is not going to be about that. There will be an upcoming entry though. Reason being is I'm waiting for the film to come out. Seriously. Obi and I shot a documentary based around the surgery, and I'm waiting for the raw version so I can post some of the highlights of the procedure. Don't worry, I'll put lots of warnings and disclaimers so people don't accidentally stumble upon a picture of my eye peeled open like a grape. Worst case basis, I can always sell the footage to a B-rate horror movie studio. The only things I will say is it was a complete success and I can see without glasses for the first time since Grade 6. The hemorrhages in my eyes are also starting to go away, and although I like scaring little kids, it also scares adults away when I take off the sunglasses.
After being that long winded of an intro, I suppose I should get down to the nitty gritty and actually write something that resembles a blog update. Let's talk about choice and personality re-programming. That sounds like fun.
Obi and I were chatting the other night about personality profiling, and if you can change your personality once you know what you are. For example, if you take a personality test and you discover your personality reflects that you are "thinking" type rather

Ok, kind of fell of the tracks there. Back onto the topic at hand. Both of us came to the same conclusion that you can change your personality type if you really want to, but it would involve a lot of hard work, and constant mental conditioning until you accepted the new reforms of your personality. Luckily for me, I'm very comfortable within my personality. That's not to say that I haven't risen to the occasion and changed bits when I need to. The one facet that I am constantly changing between is the "introvert" and the "extrovert". Growing up I was always introverted, and as much as I enjoy withdrawing from the world at times, I can also see the need to be part of it. Perfect example...It's hard to meet new people if you never leave your house.

Enough for tonight. Conan the Barbarian is on, and I haven't seen this film since I was a kid. Time to see if it's just as corny as I remember. Cya.
Oh, and congrats are in order for Alex and Laurie.
"The meek shall inherit the earth? Well... I don't think so. If by meek you mean friendly and introverted, okay maybe, but if by meek you mean unwilling to take a chance, then never. If I was a betting man and I had to wager on who I thought would inherit the earth, my money would be on the curious."
Jim Coudal
My money is on the 2-4-1 trifecta in the 6th race at the kennel club.
you said nipple
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