Sunday, January 21, 2007


Damn I'm tanked. CG couldn't keep up with me and she passed out. I think she needs some better drinkin skillz. That's all.

Oh, and Congrats go out to my friend Heather on getting married next week. Have a blast Girl, you deserve it.

We need better quality pr()n on the internet. Lets start a rebellion.

Gum is a horrible substitute for Cigars.

Really, that's all.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Piece of Sage Advice...

In order for employees to appreciate the company they work for, the company they work for must also appreciate their employees.

Time for a road trip methinks. Who wants to come out to Montreal for the weekend?


One last thing. Just heard an argument that I think may stick with me forever. It is only three words, but has (at least to me) an incredible impact that I can't seem to shake. It's not something that jumps out right away, but seems to plague your thoughts...Well, at least mine.

Faith or Chance?


And just to keep things in line. Go read these. They are both by T.S. Eliot, probably one of the best writers to ever have lived.

The Wasteland
The Hollow Men (my personal fave)


I figure why start a new blog entry for all this little stuff. I got to put a scratch pad online to jot this little stuff down.

Anyways, how silly is this? My Xbox 360 is blogging now as well. I think this has gone just about far enough.

360's Blog?


Monday, January 15, 2007

In my House, God Dries the Dishes... if I could only get them washed as well. Sorry CG, I had to steal it, it was just too good. Now, how does this factor into this entry? Not a lot, other than it jelled as I was washing up the dishes. The actual epiphany happened this morning while driving into work.

I have been trying to think of a politically correct of stating what I am about to say, but nothing has come to me, so I'm just going to say it.

Holy shit...I really need to slow the fuck down. I have turned into that crazy meth head in the corner frankensteining a vacuum, blender and a super-nintendo into some stupid new invention that will revolutionize the weekend pharmaceutical addict. I actually sat down and thought about the list of projects (completely un-work related) I've got on the go and realized that with the amount of stuff I'm working on, I don't foresee all of them getting finished in my lifetime, and with no progeny to continue them, the projects die with me. All things considered, that's probably not the crime of the century, but leaves me with the thoughts of how did I get myself wrapped up in so many things. I'm not going to list them, because the list is pretty ridiculous and I really don't feel like thinking about everything I'm not going to get finished (and mainly because I'm pretty sure I'll end up adding things to the list). At some point over the last few years I have lost the ability to relax. Whenever I'm just sitting around watching TV or whatever, I'm constantly thinking about what else I could (but not necessarily should) be doing. I used to be able to relax. I remember that, albeit somewhat hazily, as if it was in some past life, or told to me by some great grandparent the way you pass down family history.

"Back in ought six we used to watch the stones under the fire to see if they would crack. Twas nothing to wait for 17 days or so in front of the fire just to see one crack. Twouldn't eat or sleep or go to the washroom, but just watch the stones. Now that was relaxing, until one cracked of course, them we would all be hootin' and hollerin' until Uncle Efrem would tell us to shut the hell up lessen we wake up ole Auntie Stump."

The epiphany came about when I realized how I ended up with so many things on the go. Normally I don't stay single for very long, and now I know why (besides all the usual reasons). I'm used to some one looking at me and saying, "What the hell do you think you're doing? It's two in the morning. Put down that socket wrench and come to bed and pretend to sleep". Without someone to keep me in check I just let my crazy aspirations take their course and I don't filter them. You see, tragically, I was born without any filtering processes whatsoever, so I usually rely on someone else to do my filtering for me. It's like I have all the monkeys working on Hamlet in my house, but occasionally they actually get a line correct, which makes all the monkeys work even harder trying to come up with the next line. Problem is they don't know which lines are right so they just keep bashing away.

The long and short of it is, I think I know the solution, now I just have to do something about it, and figure out how I'm going to hide a few dozen monkeys.
New Features Abound

Hi Y'all,

Just added a new thing to the blog. Over under the links you will see this Icon .

This is a stream of all the various tunes (and maybe an un-posted one or two) I've put onto the blog over the past year or so. If you click on the link it should automagically open up using Winamp, Windows Media Player, or whatever your flavor of media viewer you are using.

***Geek Moment - It is using a m3u file. If you're player can't handle this, upgrade to a newer player or let me know what you are using and I'll do a different stream for you ***

That's it. Nothing big, just new fun stuff.


And contrary to popular opinion, I am not Evil. Don't believe the lies.

Please Don't Sue Me...

Today was a bad day. Not for any particular reason, other than I was in a foul mood just because I could be. Frustration seemed to be the key. My pager went flying, my laptop went flying, various cables, remotes controls, etc, etc, all should have had flight clearances.

Seeing that it is already 5:30 in the morning I'll keep this short and sweet. The cool thing about being a musician, is, you can write music. The uncool thing about being a musician, is you have to write music. Everything I write comes in fits and spurts, and thus I just keep writing until I'm either done, or I notice the sun is coming up and I should at least attempt to get a couple of hours sleep before work, and that is exactly what I am about to do, but first, I'll post a file. This isn't the tune I was talking about earlier in December, but a brand new one (sort of). I'm not even sure how long I'm going to leave it online, namely because I really don't want to get sued, but I really like how it turned out so grab while you can if you want. It's a remix/cover/retooling/whatever of Cherry Lips by Garbage. It is solely their work, with my music underneath. All right are theirs. Insert all the legalize you would like here.

Mixin' the Cherries Click to listen or right click to save to disk.

Seeing that I'm a huge Garbage fan (yes, I actually bought all their albums, not downloaded, and even went to a few shows) the tune is done in homage, not because I didn't think their version rocked, because it did, but mainly I did it because I could.

That's it. Gotta get a few minutes of sleep before I have to go to work and battle the freezing rain all the way there.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Iambic Pentameter?

My tires suck in snow,
My tires also suck on ice,
I love the winter.

I watched a movie,
Texas Chainsaw Massacre,
That dude is fucked up.

I bought some cupcakes,
CG and I ate them all,
all except for one.

We ate popcorn too,
It was greasy and salty,
Good for growing kids.

My cat got needles,
she screamed when they punctured her,
breath stinks like cat food.

Haiku's are boring,
an exercise in writing,
sucked in grade school too.

Last thing for today,
no more blogs done in haiku,
I need better pr0n.

"Rapping at the door
Fills up agéd pillowcase
So sick of Smarties" - Strong Sad


Who wants to do some Xbox 360 online action?


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Where Did all the Common Sense Go?

How many of you out there have used the Internet at the place where you work for un-business related activities? Come on, I know you have, everyone has at some point (if you have the Internet where you work), even myself. I have logged into my bank account and paid bills. I can admit that, but there is a definite line of what to do, and what not to do from a work machine. It's just common sense folks, but at some point it appears that common sense has taken a vacation. Let's make a list. They are always fun, I haven't done one in a while, and it appears that sleep isn't hanging out in my house tonight.

5 Simple escalating things on how to piss off an IT guy/girl as related to his/her network(and co-incidentally get your hands slapped), or even simpler, Shit not to do at work.

5) Surfing news/general information sites - This one barely even made it to the list, and level of pissing off the applicable IT worker is tentative at best, but some people take offense. Most of us do this over lunch anyways, and it has never bothered me too much, as long as folks aren't hanging out on it all day and downloading non-ending video streams thereby plugging up the network and getting it turned off for everyone. Moderation is the key to all things.

4) Shopping, e-commerce, and Ebay - This one can get a little out of control. You can always tell when someone is fighting for something on Ebay by the way the traffic suddenly spikes to their site. Again, moderation, no problem, obsessing over saving %5 off your new computer CPU/toy/book/whirligig you will never use, but looks cool, in an Ed Wood kind of way, is always gauche. As for the other e-commerce stuff, lets take banking in general, I've always thought is beneficial. Would I rather have someone miss hours of work because they have to wait in line at the bank, or take 5 minutes out and do whatever they have to do online? Seems pretty cut and dried to me.

3) Introducing foreign Laptop/Device to the network - Don't do this folks. At best it's just bad manners. How would you feel if you had guest come over to your house, tried you snacks, and decided they didn't like them and pulled their own out to eat? At worst, you are creating a hazard to every machine/device on the work network. And don't think you can hide it, and if you think that you actually hid it, you didn't. We just let you get away with it because it wasn't doing anything obscenely bad. Most IT folks in the field can sniff out an non-work related machine like a jackal can smell which one of the antelope is the weakest, but it's our choice if we want to take it down or not. Remember that one...

2 and 1 were tied, so I arbitrarily picked the order, or not, well, they are close anyhow.

2) Porn and the derivatives thereof - Come on. Think. Can't wait 8 hours until you get home to take a peek at who is doing who (or what)? Trust me, I am a male bachelor living alone, and I can appreciate porn, but at work? That's like going over to grandma's house for cookies, whipping out a hustler to read whilst your eating Gingersnaps, and flogging the dog underneath the table while complimenting the doilies. WTF people? Not only do you look ridiculous sneaking a peak at some titties at your desk, but how idiotic would it be to get turfed from where you work because you couldn't wait to get home to look up the virtual skirt of the world? And the less said about the porn derivatives, the better. We're all happier that way.

1) Downloading pirated software/music/movies - Most people have been guilty of this at some point, mainly just to find that song that you got stuck in your head, and if it wasn't so prolific on the web it would be easy to stop, but because there are a million places to get it from it is increasingly difficult to strap down. That's not to say there aren't ways to do it. There are new ways coming out everyday to stop it, but I'm straying a little here. Firstly, it's illegal. Secondly, it eats up ton's of bandwidth to the Internet thereby slowing everything down, and Thirdly, It's Fsckin illegal. READ THAT AGAIN, it's ILLEGAL. That means slap on the wrist, fines, or possibly jail time, just because you couldn't wait to download it from home. And here is a little tidbit of matter how well you and your IT folks get along, we are legally obligated to volunteer information about this if asked by people in power. If you don't get along with your IT folks, well, I guess they can just place a phone call then, can't they. Again, a little bit of foresight (not skin) goes a long way.

How Big Brother (the ideal, not the show) is that for ya kiddies? Looks like Orwell was right, and if I do say so myself, it's kind of fun being the faceless voice behind the monitors looking down at everyones activity. Wait a sec, if I'm doing the watching, who's watching me? It stands to reason that ...

And with that, the author wanders down a hallway muttering to himself about big brother, Orwell, Schrödinger's cat, and strange pale monks. Until we meet again, Hi Ho Silver, Away...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

And Yet, Pretentiousness Still Reigns.

The old man sits high in the sky on this night, looking dead and bloated, gazing down on the land beneath with a contemptuous, baleful eye. Wondering what happened and where those have come before have gone. The inky blackness of the night grinds down upon the earth like a suffocating blanket, euthanizing everyone below into a state of blissful slumber, and yet I lie awake.

On this, the second night of the dawning of the new year, it strives to be different, yet remains the same as before. The turning of the year does not predict or predicate a change in being, thought, or mannerism, but is merely a catalyst to indicate that change is possible, but not insured. It is nothing more than a sheet of cheesecloth filled with water. The bulk of the volume flows through freely, but the remaining particulate can be the most valuable of all the substance, for it is the minutest detail that can be the most important.

And as I sit here, waiting for the piper at the gates of dawn to bring me down into the slumber of suburbia, I think of these things. Wanting and waiting for nothing more than to be drawn into the nights warm embrace and drift down into nirvana, but instead I lie here, wanting to sleep and drowning in my fever soaked sheets, listening to the deluded whisperings of the man in my mind, sermonizing on obscure and unimportant matters, not fit to be listened too, but yet I continue to listen with sleep not forthcoming...

Friggen wonderful. 2007, back to work tomorrow and I'm sick as a dog trying to sleep with a fever thrown into the mix for fun...Looks like a good start to the year folks.