Thursday, August 31, 2006

When it Rains, it Pours.

If I was a man who believed in luck, I'd believe that my new car is incredibly unlucky. I used to be one of those guys that everyone was jealous of. I could do 120 in an 60 and never get busted. I hold the current record for the airport run from Kitchener. I think those days are dead and buried. Tonight on the way home from work I got popped for speeding. Luckily the cop I was dealing with was a half decent shit and knocked down my considerable speed quite a bit to get me into a lower fine bracket, unlike the cop a month ago who decided not too and hit me with a big fine. Of course, to be a completely cool shit he would have told me to slow down and be on my way. I suppose, I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

A sane man would make the assumption that he shouldn't speed anymore, of course, in my head all I hear is "find another way home".

Nah, I think I should probably just slow down a bit. At least to get me out of the big fine and points bracket anyways. I really should have bought a 1974 chevette that barely moved. I couldn't have even sped in a car like that.

What I don't get is the folks who get popped and get pissed off. Yeah, it sucks getting a ticket, but you know what, it was my own dumb fault, and the cops are just doing their job. It's not their fault that I seem to think that the way home from work is, in actuality, the qualifying lap for the indy500. I think it's just that after work, I want to get as far away as quickly as possible. It doesn't matter if my plans are sitting at home playing halo all night, I just want to get away from the office in the fastest way possible. Of course, they could get rid of all those silly speed limits and we'd all be happier.

Speaking of Halo, if you haven't tried this game (and I know I'm probably speaking to about 2 people on the planet), don't. You will lose sleep, meals and your kids growing up. I missed the boat when this series came out, and what a miss. I've recently become educated in this franchise, and it is absolutely amazing. Take this from a guy who has played his share of video games. As good as it is I'm left with one question. How do they get the crack into the DVD? That's the only thing that I can think of that is this incredibly addictive. I'm glad I have my PVR setup so I can record all my discovery channel programs that I would normally be watching.

A thought struck me today as I was leaving work (peanut gallery, keep your comments to yourself). I've been leaving later than usual the past couple of weeks because of the amount of shit on my plate right now, and I noticed that it's usually the same people still there when I am. If you are in IT this doesn't count, because anyone in that industry knows the hours are always messed up anyways, so they don't fit the statistic (mostly). What I did notice though is most of the people who end up staying late are the single/divorced/whatever folks. It leads to a couple of interesting theories. The first being, is this the reason that they are single, and secondly, are they here because they feel like they are missing something at home? I'm entirely cool with being single (most of the time), but one aspect of this kinda creeps me out, and I am determined not to be like this. I am not going to turn out to be one of those kinds of folks who work sixteen hours a day because they don't have anything else that validates their existence. I just can't roll that way.

On a completely separate note, I think I have to get my haircut more often. Not because I want to look more kept and presentable, but because of the cute russian (? not sure, but think so) girl at the place where I get my hair cut. That's a great reason if I ever heard one...

Mmmm...Ice cream.

Ok, I'm done. Off to feed my ice cream craving. I hate watching network TV with all their brain robbing commercials.

Here's a cool link. It's cool, but got some of that physics stuff in it, so if you don't feel like learning anything don't go.


If you don't want to learn anything, go watch this video.


Last but (hopefully) not least, new song for my upcoming album.
Check it out Breakers

If you missed the other couple of tunes for the album (not Bork, Bork, Bork!) here are the links.


Monday, August 28, 2006

Guilt is a bag of bricks; all you have to do is set it down.

To appease the dancin' bear I'll clear this one up right off the top. The above quote has nothing to do with this entry. Just a cool quote from "The Devil's Advocate" that I liked and actually holds a lot of water in real life.

This entry is just a quick ugly update letting everyone know what's up. I've actually been involved in a small film project for the past while and got the video editing/multimedia bug back in me. It also explains the lack of updates. I forgot how much I enjoy doing that kind of stuff, and while working on some of the editing the little worm in my brain started chewing again. Clearly I don't have enough projects on the go, so why not add another one. I've decided to adapt my latest novel into a screenplay and shoot it. It's a big project (one of the largest film projects I've ever worked on), and will be feature length. I'm not going to give out any details of the plot, etc., but I do know that there are at least two scenes in this that are going to require many, many extras (excess of 50 to 100), so there will probably be an open casting for these in a couple of months. Pencil it in folks and you can get a role in a feature length (horribly budgeted) film. You're pay will be a firm handshake, a solid "Thanks", and if you do a really good job, maybe a coffee from Tim Hortons. Inversely, to everyone who knows me personally, you can expect me to hit you all up for bit parts. Change your phone numbers now and beat the rush.

And yes, that is a picture of the Reverend over at the side...I decided that anonymity only last for so long anyways, and I'm an egoist (attention whore) anyways, so why wouldn't I?

A REAL entry will be coming soon. I promise. Really.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bad Medicine. Me no like.

Good Idea? Hanging out with buddies that you rarely see and catching up on what's going on.

Bad Idea? Hanging out with buddies you rarely see and catching up on what's going on in your favorite bar on a Thursday night when you have to work the next day and there is a history of a few too many cocktails going in whenever you hang out with afore mentioned buddies.

I'm pretty sure we could have bought a chunk of the bar with the tab at the end of the night.

I feel like death warmed over.

Lesson to be learned? Don't stop drinking. You'll just feel worse. Just take a cab from the bar directly to work and get a jump on the Friday workload.

Some day I'm gonna catch that cat that shits in my mouth when I'm drunk.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Run Away, Run Away.

Some thing that I've wanted to do for a while now, but haven't allowed myself to do is let Bitterman take over an entire entry. I think today is the magic day. We're going to let that sanctimonious, sarcastic, depreciating bastard have his way with this entry. It's good to let him go occasionally. Call it therapy, call it venting, whatever you want, it's a necessary evil, and with that warning in place I give you Bitterman.

People who don't wash their hands after using the facilities should be drowned in fetid monkey piss. This isn't something that most people notice in public washrooms (walk in, bee line to your favorite urinal/stall, do your business, wash and get out without looking up), and I wasn't overly aware of it, until I started noticing trends at the places where I use public washrooms on a regular basis. I can't say for certain about the women’s washrooms (they don't let me in there for some reason, no matter how nicely I ask), but I do have a mole that provides me with names for the list from that gender. The list is surprisingly long actually for both genders. Maybe I should publish that list? Nah, we'll save it for a really good day. And don't give me the line about "I leaned not to piss/shit on myself", because it's bullshit. Ever seen a bacterial collection? Those amazing little buggers will get on everything without you even being aware of it. Ever hear of Norwalk? If not, look it up. Its primary transmission base is through feces. That's right, shit. I happen to remember this going around work as well. Who do you think caused that outbreak? Take the two minutes to wash your hands shithead, and maybe your name will come off the list, and I won't become infected when I use your keyboard to fix your computer.

Fucking ex-wives. 'Nuff said.

Yes, I fix computers/networks/anything with a wire for a living. No I will not come over and fix your personal machine that you've screwed up by surfing pr0n sites (not that there is anything wrong with that, just be smart), installing spy ware, and generally being an idiot. Do people honestly think that after working all day I want to come home and keep fixing machines? Tell you what. Ever seen a mechanic's car? It's usually the shitty, rusting, hulk of rotting crap that barely runs sitting in the parking lot. Know why? It's because after fixing cars all day, the last thing that they want to do is fix their own car. I am happy to say I haven't reloaded any of my home machines in years, not because they don't need it, but because I don't want too. And by the way, just because I do know my way around a computer, and play video games, this doesn't mean that I will mod your brother's wife's younger sister's babysitters PS2. Not only is it illegal (I know, not illegal to mod, just to use it, we call that semantics), but I don't want to be sitting there for six hours soldering wires the thickness of a hair instead of sitting at home and being busy sitting on my ass. If you do want to have this done, at least make a token effort and bring me a coffee or something. One last thing about the mod topic before I go on. Don't come up to me and act like a 14 year old buying condoms. Information is not illegal. It's not like you are asking me for two keys of cocaine, or some Tijuana donkey act porn. Just come out and say it. As a matter of fact, come up and ask me for some coke or interspecies erotica so I can tell you to fuck off.

Ex-wives. Fuck.

When I am sitting at a computer, or reading a white paper, do not crowd my space. Don't think that just because you can slide in beside me that you will get my attention and I will stop what I am doing to pay attention to whatever the crisis of the moment is. Chances are I'm busy, or ignoring you. Either way it doesn't matter. You don't go to a grocery store and go to the front of the line of people because you are in a hurry to get home to beat your wife and bugger your kids. Fuck off. Next time you start reading over my shoulder to see what I am doing I'm going to put a well placed elbow into a very sensitive region, and trust me, it will be accidental. Really. Try to prove otherwise. In association with this, if you come looking for me to help you, and you are madder then shit, take two seconds to calm down. I give back whatever I receive.

The mall. The Fucking mall. Fuck that. Oh, and Ex-wives.

Don't ask me if I need any help when I am walking around in your store. If I need your help I'll come get you. If you start harassing me, I am going to walk out and not buy a damn thing. We should all really do that. When the next pushy sales person comes up to you in the store, and won't back off, just leave. There is more than one store. Secondly, don't argue with me about my choice. That's why it's my choice. I want THIS piece of merchandise, not that one over there, or the one that is about to be shoved up your ass. This one. Right here. Thirdly, don't try to connect to me on a personal level by asking what I do, who I fuck, what my personal views on world theology are. I'm here to buy something and get out. I don't want to hear about the new models, or your kids, or who you are fucking. And finally, I do not want the extended service plan. I know things will break, and you will promise to fix it (until it actually breaks), but I don't want to contribute to your little money grab. Remember that merchandise that I am going to shove up your ass? It can say hi to your extended service plan.

Fuck it. I'm done. I could go forever, but before I piss everyone off I better stop.

Oh, one last thing. Did I mention I fucking hate ex-wives? Not mine in particular, but all of them. No wait. That's not true. Just mine.


The real last thing this time. Blogger for screwing up all the time with the photo uploading.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Fly, Fat-Ass, Fly!

My god, the world got fat. Not Phat, sick, wicked or any other vernacular that I'm not current enough to know about, but just plain fat. I'm not claiming to be in perfect shape yet, (look out Ahhnold, I'm coming for you in a while, and I'm going to run for governor too, wait, I'm not American. Nevermind) but I am starting to approach the physique that I want to achieve. I didn't go out and spend a shitload of money, sign up for a six day a week regiment with some guy resembling the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket, or change my diet so I am only eating lettuce, but I did start doing something. I'm simply working out. I'm not shitting on any of the above methods, as they work for people, but what I am saying is that you don't have to bust a nut and your bank account to get into shape and lose some weight. I really don't care if you do or not, just a suggestion. Now, you may ask yourself, why is the rev ragging on the club that he used to be part of? It's not for any good reason I assure you. I just happened to notice something driving home from Jefe's today after work (we'll get back to that in a bit).

I happened to take the long way home today, through downtown kitchener, to get home. Partially because I hadn't gone through the slums in a while, partially because the scenery (ahem, read as fine examples of the opposite sex) is better than on the expressway, and partially because I just love driving. Ok, mainly is was to watch the scenery (I can have a male pig moment occasionally folks), and that is when I noticed the growing (pun intended) trend in society. I'm talking about sparks flying off of the backs of cars because they are riding too low and asses that deserve their own zip code here. Now, when I was part of the mass challenged club I felt it everyday. I felt like shit, and it showed. It was just a matter of doing something about it, and I can tell you that getting started was as hard as quitting the smokes. Many false starts later I whipped my ass into line and started the whole process. I'm not one of those people who enjoy working out (I find it about as monotonous as watching paint dry), but I suck it up and do my workouts. I think that's the point I'm trying to make here. I'm not any worse off for working out, and it's not like I'm losing a day a week doing this (just about three hours actually) that I would probably spend watching movies or surfing the internet, so it's a win-win. Just put down the fork and pick up some weights.

I dropped by Jefe's after work to buy his dremel off of him. He hated it and I hate the one I had. I needed a dremel to finish the project I'm working on right now and mine wasn't up for the task. Mine is this wireless jobber that I got as a parting gift from my marriage. Hmm...Bitterman could have a field day with that one. Anyways, no, I'm not saying what the project is, but don't worry, there will be pictures posted of it when it's done. It's completely geek, and utterly stupid, but I wasn't using my kitchen for anything anyways. Why would I be using my kitchen for a workshop? Simple answer. Because there is a car in my garage. We all cool with that? Good. I'm not practicing to become a redneck and have half an engine in my bathtub, no matter what Newtie thinks, it's just the most practical place for me to work. I only cook big things when there is company coming over, or I just bring the food over to the companies house and cook there, so I might as well put my counter top to use. I don't think my neighbors like it much, but tough titty said the kitty. I don't need another project unfinished, and if it's in the kitchen I'll actually finish it to get my kitchen back at some point.

Remember I was talking about all the little things that actually make up the good bits of our day? I had a small moment like that today and as stupid as it was, it made me feel good. Another of my parting gifts/punishments/consolation prizes (I'll take what's in the box Monty) was the degu. For those of you who don't know what a degu is, the more common name for it is Kangaroo Rat. For those of you who don't know what a kangaroo rat is, think of a chinchilla crossed with a gerbil with a healthy dose of amphetamine thrown in. It has the personality of rather dumb cheerleader. Let me clear that up, incredibly cute and friendly, but isn't entirely sure where it is on any given day. Because of the proximity to the chinchilla bloodlines, they like to “bathe” in dust. They roll around in the white dust and coat themselves in it looking like some little lost goth kid. Back to the story. So I pick some dust for her (it's been awhile since she had any), pay entirely too much for it considering it's just dust, and give her some when I got home. I know that those in the rat family really don't have emotions but I could swear I got a look saying, “about time fucker, but I'll forgive you”. It kinda made me smile. See, I told you it was stupid.

Off to project land. One last thing to mention. After seeing the popularity of Bork, Bork, Bork! I think I'm going to try and throw a song up every two to three weeks or so. I swear, it wasn't supposed to get popular, but I'll take it. I figure I'll put up enough to fill a CD and then release some album art for everyone to grab. Don't say I never gave you anything.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bork, Bork, Bork!

Wow, here is something stupid to post. Whipped up yet another silly tune and Newtie is making me post it. He insists that I should put together an album of all the stupid weird stuff I've made, but I don't see that coming anytime soon.

Without further adieu, here's Bork, Bork Bork!

Right click and select save as to save it to your hard drive. As you can tell, I'm very conscientious about copyrights and that bullshit. If you enjoy it, groovy, if not, groovy...

It's very unmixed, and very unmastered.

Bork, Bork, Bork!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Close, Yet Far.

This weekend Obi and his fam came over to my place. When they arrived at my place they happened to come in (I pretty much have an open door policy at casa Moloquin...if the doorbell rings, chances are I'm not expecting you, or you haven't been given the open door policy, and I probably won't answer it. Keeps the solicitors at bay) while I was downstairs playing guitar. Their son, who is eight now, has gotten to that point in life where he is really starting to enjoy music, so we played the game of "Can you play this, and can you play that?" Albeit, he was mostly picking older Metallica stuff, which was my bread and butter while playing in high school bands, but nonetheless was still fun to play some of the old stuff, at least what I could remember of it. I was then posed a question that actually took me back a bit. He asked me what my five favorite songs were. Being that music has always played such an important role in my life I've never really thought about what the top five actually were. The worst part is I couldn't come up with it, and like a badger running around in my skull, it hasn't stopped chewing yet, so I've decided to sit down and actually compile them. I guess this is the list of the month. My tastes don't usually change very dramatically, and chances are many of these would still be on the list a year from now, but what the hell, here goes anyways...

#1 Without question right now would be "Close, yet far" by CKY. Rarely does a song grab me as hard as this one did. I am one of those people who have a slight OCD reaction to music. I have to listen to albums from start to finish and never repeat tracks, except this one (that's kinda oxymoronic isn't it?). It is one of the rare (actually, the only song in memory) where I will skip back on the Ipod and listen to it again, and again, and again, ad nauseum. If you aren't familiar with this track, or this band, pick some up. It's a sleeper band, in that they aren't that big yet, but I have no doubt they will be (even though they have 4 albums). Just pick up some of their stuff, you'll be glad you did.

#2 would be "Even Rats" by The Slip. I was introduced to this one by playing the ridiculous game Guitar Hero. It's definitely a solid track, but I after going out exploring to find other tracks by them, it's the only one that I liked. That's not to say other people might not like there other stuff, but wasn't to my tastes. It's worth buying the game for if you have a PS2, and, as well, you get one of the most fun (and idiotic) games of the year.

#3 is "Imagine" by A Perfect Circle. Most people are more familiar with frontman Maynard James Keenan's other band Tool, but this is the diamond of the collection. I had a really hard time even bringing myself to listen to this. Imagine is one of those songs, that in my opinion, was one of the untouchable ones. I mean, how could anyone ever cover one of the most influential songs of all time and keep it sounding ok, let alone good. The video for it is amazing as well. One of those tracks that will give you goosebumps when you listen to it. It will spawn many debates though in the form of, whose is better? John Lennon or A Perfect Circle. When you figure out the answer let me know because I can't decide.

#4 is tough. The last couple are always the tough ones. With so much good music out there, it's hard to pick out which ones make the list, and which ones get cut. It would probably be "Sweet Amber" by Metallica. I know all you haters out there will be going "How can you pick that over all the classic stuff?" As good as the classic stuff is (and it is amazing), this track really shows their progression while embracing their roots. It's the perfect mix for them. With a band that has five amazing albums (and a bunch of bad ones), determining the one great track can change a lot depending on mood.

#5 is a classic. It's one I've been into since I was a teenager, and has always stuck with me. It's "Behind the Wall of Sleep" by The Smithereens. If you've never heard it check it out. Really powerful track without any huge meaning behind it. Just an overall solid, and really influential, track. The Smithereens were (are) one of those bands that every musician is usually into, but not truly appreciated by the general public. I'd really like to find out the magic equation behind that one.

Notice I didn't pick any of my own tracks in there? As much of an egoist as I am, I couldn't even pick any of my own tracks, even if they are that good (sarcasm again).

The whole topic of music lead to an interesting weekend conversation with Obi and his wife. The whole idea of "Is this where you truly wanted to end up?" conversation. I know it seems pretty obscure how music lead to that conversation, but all shall be explained. Most people who have bridged the 30 mark are either on the way to where they are wanting to be, or are still trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up. I am definitely in the second category. This is where the music thing joins the rest of the conversation. I was a professional musician for many years before joining the "official" work force. Even to this day I question my choices, and Obi managed to sum it up in a single statement. It's odd having one of those deep down concerns that we all carry around with us summed up in a simple sentence. Not in a bad way, but it truly shows how a second set of eyes can see things in a way you can't. The statement was, (and this does deserve it's own line)

"After working against the machine for so many years, and then becoming part of it...It rubs you wrong way."

Wow. Definitely an epiphany. Not that it makes any difference in any way, shape, or form, but it feels good to have it summed up so succinctly, and in a way I could never put together. Some people would probably call it selling out, but it's hard to buy a car with good intentions and righteous outrage.

Like my signature says, I guess I was punk once...


I would have posted more pictures, but Blogger is broken again...